CaTS | Information Technology

Security Reminder: Remote Computer Access & Support

The Help Desk was recently notified of an IT security threat targeted at a University device, which consisted of a pop-up alert notifying the device’s user that the computer has been compromised, and listed a ‘Microsoft’ number to call for support. Once on the phone, the person on the other end attempted to gain access to the computer remotely to investigate the issue behind the alert. This could have resulted in an opportunity to steal personal, financial, or University information.

Please be aware that pop-ups or alerts like this are a scam, and you should never allow someone calling from an unknown number to access your computer via a remote connection.

While the CaTS Help Desk does offer remote support like this to Wright State members, a CaTS representative will:

  • Call from an internal, Wright State number
  • Identify themselves as a CaTS employee
  • Direct you to the website ‘’ to initiate the remote connection

If you have questions about any pop-ups or security alerts on your University machine, contact the CaTS Help Desk at 937-775-4827 first. A CaTS representative will then determine the next steps needed to ensure your device and information remains secure.

For more information about IT Security, visit To read about the University’s IT Security policies, visit