Today, CaTS is unveiling a new look for the WINGS web portal. The new version of WINGS is designed with improved mobile features, better audience targeting, and is integrated with our Microsoft 365 environment.
The new version of WINGS will be piloted in parallel with the current version of WINGS. The current version of WINGS will be the portal main page until December 18th, 2023. On that date, the current version of WINGS will be set as an optional view and the new version of WINGS will be the portal main page. On June 1st, 2024, current WINGS will be officially retired and taken offline.
Please visit the new WINGS page and provide your feedback via the on page button labeled “Tell us what you think about the new WINGS Portal!” To read more about WINGS Beta, including new features and benefits, visit https://www.wright.edu/information-technology/wings-beta.
If you have any questions, please contact the CaTS Help Desk at 937-775-4827, or helpdesk@wright.edu.