CaTS | Information Technology

New Weekly Maintenance Window for Windows PCs

In order to maintain effective data security and efficient system performance for our users, CaTS will be instituting a weekly maintenance window for all University-owned Windows PCs. During this time, your system may be unavailable and you should expect that it could reboot. 

When is the Weekly Maintenance Window? 

Wednesday mornings, between 1 – 4 a.m. 

What Actions Do I Take Now? 

When you are done using your PC for the last time before the next maintenance window is scheduled to occur, please ensure that you save and close out of any applications. You should also sign out of or reboot your PC, but should not shut it down as this could prevent updates from running. 

When Will This Begin? 

This maintenance window will begin on May 11, and will remain in effect every week moving forward. 


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this maintenance window, please contact the CaTS Help Desk at 937-775-4827, or