WSU Retirees Summer Potluck Picnic

Wednesday, August 14, 2019, 3 pm to 6 pm
Fairborn Community Park, 691 E. Dayton-Yellow Springs Road, Fairborn 45324

Fiarborn Community ParkThe Wright State University Retirees Association (WSURA) invites all university retirees to a Summer Potluck Picnic on Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2019, 3–6 p.m., at Fairborn Community Park. It will be an opportunity to reconnect with old friends and colleagues, make new friends and have some fun.

Since the university no longer sponsors the annual faculty, staff and retiree picnic, the Wright State University Retirees Association (WSURA) decided to host this alternate event. If the picnic proves successful, it could become an annual event.

The WSURA Board will provide hamburgers, hot dogs and tableware. Please bring your preferred drink (no alcohol) and a dish to share. See the event flyer for details (PDF).

RSVP by Thursday, Aug. 1, to Mary Gromosiak, WSURA activities & events chair, by emailing or calling 937.974.4010.
Directions: Fairborn Community Park is located at 691 E. Dayton-Yellow Springs Rd., next to Fairborn High School, near I-675 exit 20. We will be in Shelter #2. The shelter has three two-sided grills and 12 electrical outlets, with restrooms nearby. As you enter the park, park straight ahead or to the right. Take the paved path on the left to Shelter #2.
Insider Tip: Start practicing for the Corn Hole Contest and Euchre Tournament!
For information, contact
Mary Gromosiak
WSURA Activities & Events Chair
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