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Explore Wright State


As a university that positively transforms the educational, economic, and social fabric of the communities we serve, Wright State has enjoyed a longstanding working relationship with Premier Health. The two institutions will work together to advance academic medicine, improve community health, bolster workforce and economic development, and become the destination for future health professionals through acclaimed academic and experiential learning environments.

wright state university premier health


Facts & Rankings


Wright State University was named to honor aviation pioneers Orville and Wilbur Wright, who invented the world's first successfuWright State University was named to honor aviation pioneers Orville and Wilbur Wright, who invented the world's first successful airplane in their Dayton bicycle shop.

 In 1993, Wright State first utilized The Ohio Percent for Arts Program, which has brough numerous artistic pieces both in- and
The Wright State campus features artistic pieces both in- and outdoors. As we renovate structures and construct new campus buildings, more and more public art pieces will continue to beautify the campus.


The Wright State tunnel system is believed to be one of the most extensive collegiate pedestrian tunnel systems in the United StThe Wright State tunnel system is believed to be one of the most extensive collegiate pedestrian tunnel systems in the United States. Nearly two miles of tunnels (10,436 feet) snake their way beneath Wright State's Dayton campus linking 21 of 22 buildings in the academic section of campus.


More Quick Facts


Jul 25, 2024
Wright State University’s Boonshoft School of Medicine was recognized in the 2024 Best Graduate Schools rankings by U.S. News and World Report.
Jun 24, 2024
Seven graduate engineering programs offered by Wright State's College of Engineering and Computer Science are ranked by U.S. News and World Report as among the best in the nation for 2024.

More Rankings

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Right Here. Right Now. Wright State. - Pioneer Path