Retirees Association


Connie Heaton
Jul 14, 2022
Connie enjoyed using her grit and determination to help the local community. She was involved with the Lioness Club, the Waynesville Progressive Women's Club, the school PTA, Southview Hospital volunteers, Sunday and Tuesday Schools, and as the Sugarcreek Post editor, as well as special projects like forming the Bellbrook elementary school library, directing school and church plays, and starting the Crossview Christian Church's ice cream social. She died on July 3, 2022.
Dr. Steven Cohen
Jul 3, 2022
Steve Cohen devoted 30 years to serving US veterans at the Dayton VA Medical Center. He held the position of Chief of Ambulatory Care, Chief of Staff, and the Director of VAMC. He enjoyed teaching and was a member of the admissions committee of the Boonshoft School of Medicine at Wright State University for many years. He died on June 25, 2022.
Kenneth Cornelius
Jun 27, 2022
He is the recipient of numerous awards and patents and loved all things science and football from the Ohio State University Buckeyes. He passed away peacefully at home on June 25, 2022.
Bill Brown
Jun 24, 2022
Bill Brown dedicated his life to teaching and helping others. He was truly an inspirational and excellent father and friend. He never gave up. He wasn’t fazed by the word no. He touched others to the very end. He will be missed. He passed away June 23, 2022.
memorial candle
Jun 23, 2022
As a volunteer, she promoted international understanding through her activities in The Experiment in International Living, which facilitated home stays for visitors from throughout the world. She exuded humor, positivity, and joy in living and learning. Her dedication to education, literacy, travel, and personal fitness is a treasured legacy to her family. She died on June 16, 2022.
Russell A Breckler
Jun 10, 2022
Russ worked out often, lifting weights, hiking and cycling. He enjoyed traveling, reading, studying and learning new things. He died on June 5, 2022.
Robert Fred Rolsten
Jun 7, 2022
Fred Rolsten held one of the patents in personal body armor and designed body armor for President Ronald Reagan, which also protected the staff and flight crew during our initial foray into detente with the People's Republic of China. In fact, he was the professor who "stood behind his work" taking a 357 bullet to his chest while wearing one of his ballistic vests. He died May 14, 2022, in Monument, Colo.
Gretchen Bollenbacher
May 19, 2022
Gretchen enjoyed family, reading the newspaper, doing crossword puzzles, writing, organizing pictures in her albums, paper dolls, and collecting Santas. She Loved Christmas. She died on May 3, 2022.
joycelyn boitnott
Apr 24, 2022
She retired from Wright State University (RSP) in 1995 with 25 years of service. She was very talented and had many hobbies, including painting. She died on April 18, 2022.
Maragret Roach
Apr 20, 2022
Margaret Roach retired from Wright State University where she was a Reference Librarian and later volunteered at Good Samaritan Hospital. She passed away on Thursday, April 14, 2022.
