Outdoor Recreation Trips and Clinics
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About Outdoor Recreation Trips and Clinics
The Outdoor Resource Center leads trips all over the U.S. from backpacking in the Grand Canyon, to sea kayaking in the Everglades, to rock climbing in Red River Gorge. Trained student trip leaders teach peers outdoor skills while experiencing the beauty and rigor of nature. Join our local programs that include our Hiking Series, running club, and more. Learn more about our upcoming programs and events.
Looking to meet new people in the Wright State community who share your love of hiking, running, biking, climbing, paddling, and more? Join our Discord server! This server is hosted by Campus Recreation's Outdoor Resource Center and is open to all Wright State University students, staff, faculty, or alumni interested in building a community of outdoor enthusiasts.
Available To
Wright State students, faculty, staff, and alumni
Upcoming Trips
Caving at Mammoth Cave National Park
Whitewater Raft the Upper Yough
Red River Gorge Intro to Rock Climbing
Hocking Hills Fall Campout
Women in Nature Great Smoky Mountains Weekend
Three Ridges Wilderness Appalachian Trail Backpacking
Red Rock Canyon Multisport Winter Break Adventure
Ice Climbing Weekend
Florida Paddle Spring Break Adventure
Grand Canyon National Park Backpacking
Spring Cabin Weekend
National Parks Road Trip: Utah's Mighty 5
All outdoor events require registration. Registration for day trips can be done by visiting IMLeagues. Events include outdoor running, hiking, walking, biking, kayaking, and more! Registration for overnight trips can be done on Epay.
All participants must agree to our Trip Policies upon registration.