Leadership Development: Setting Performance Expectations

Thursday, May 22, 2014, 9 am to 12:30 pm
112 A&B Foundation Building

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”
John F. Kennedy

The first phase in the ongoing Performance Management Process is Setting Expectations. Expectations should be discussed and mutually set by the supervisor/leader and their employee beginning at the annual Performance Appraisal, with additional discussions throughout the year. Supervisors/leaders need to clarify what’s expected in order for members of their team to understand what to focus on, what to prioritize and how to gauge success related to set objectives/goals.
The Office of Organizational Development and Learning will offer Setting Performance Expectations: Providing Direction and Influence on May 22, 2014. The seminar is one of the programs from the four-part series Cornerstones of Effective Leadership from the WSU Leadership Academy. It’s tailored for anyone at WSU in a supervisory/leadership role with staff reporting to them – or anyone at WSU interested in moving into such a role in the future.
The interactive program will look at … how setting expectations is an integral part of the ongoing Performance Management Process; the ‘When?’ ‘Why?’ and ‘Who?’ of setting expectations; keys to effective delegation; the ‘Process’ of setting expectations; the importance of ‘Influence’ and ‘Involvement;’ S.M.A.R.T. goals and objectives; clarifying priorities; verifying engagement and commitment; and following-through/following-up.
Setting Performance Expectations: Providing Direction and Influence will be offered on Thursday, May 22 from 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM in the Foundation Building, Room 112 A&B (across Colonel Glenn Hwy. – directly behind Wendy’s). If you’re interested in attending the program, or if you want to nominate/register someone for attendance, please contact Organizational Development and Learning at odandlearning@wright.edu or call extension 4705.
Other services and additional course offerings can be found at www.wright.edu/odl.
Albert Bondurant
Executive Director

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