Innovation Weekend

Friday, November 2, 5 pm to Sunday, November 4, 2018, 5 pm
Current Students

 The topic for this event is "Portable Trauma Assessment Devices and Applications."

Join us for a weekend intensive innovation event (“Hackathon”) to address this long-standing problem of significance. You will work with other students from varied backgrounds to push the solutions as far as you can in the weekend timeframe and will pitch your ideas to regional experts.

This program will allow students to:

  • get exposure to real-world problem-solving skills,
  • will prepare students for programmatic success,  
  • gain appreciation of regional workforce needs.

It will also be an opportunity to connect with industry or government partners, and will enhance access to research internships and/or employment opportunities post-graduation.

The Innovation Weekend Events are held in the Student Success Center. Much of the time will be spent in an active learning classroom where you will be able to access the technology in the room and brainstorm solutions. Mentors and experts will circulate to answer questions, and we may even take a field trip to see situation mock-ups.

For information, contact
Debbie Garber
Communications & Events Coordinator
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