Ask the Expert!

Friday, January 14, 2022, 9 am to 3 pm

New in 2022!

The Vice Provost for Research – Office of Technology Transfer is pleased to announce that Dr. Julie Nagel has set aside a date each month for Wright State University researchers to sign up for 30-minute virtual time slots (between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.) to Ask the Expert!

  • Is there an idea that you would like to see in the market?
  •  Are you wondering if your research has the potential to be commercialized?

No matter what stage of development your concept is in, Dr. Julie Nagel can provide guidance on commercialization.

In addition to providing guidance on the above questions, Dr. Nagel is available to explain the numerous types of intellectual property protection and the various paths for commercialization.

The first date in 2022 is January 14 and will continue on the second Friday of each month.  Sign Up today for your 30-minute slot!

For information, contact
Dr. Julie Nagel
Office of Technology Transfer
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