*No application fee for domestic undergraduate applicants.
Wright Path Membership Checklist
Set Up Your Wright State Accounts
In the Wright Path portal, select Onboarding under Next Steps to get your student account credentials (WINGS and Wright State email). For help, call the CaTS Help Desk at 937-775-4827
Review next steps
Consult the Next Steps section in your Wright Path portal for guidance on what to do next.
Meet with academic advisors
Meet with academic advisors from both Wright State and your community college. If you are unsure of who to contact, the Wright Path Team can help.
Take Full Advantage of the Wright Path Program
- Apply for housing through your Wright Path portal (if you plan to live on campus). Contact Wright Path housing team about paying your housing fees.
- Get a Wright State parking pass (if you plan to live on campus).
- Log into WINGS to set up a forward email to your community college email account.
- Download/bookmark your transfer guide/articulation agreement.

As a Wright Path member, opportunities for campus involvement at Wright State will open doors for new connections. Join the Transfer Center on Engage and use the Wright Path Navigator path to track your activity in the program.
Member activities include:
- Attend a Wright Path Orientation
- Find your Transfer Guide
- Meet with partner institutions and Wright State academic advisors regularly
- Participate in events hosted by various offices and student organizations
- Utilize the Dunbar Library
- Explore living on campus
Visit our campus in person or online and explore all Wright State has to offer. You can also check out our University Calendar to learn more about upcoming events on campus.

Prepare to Transfer to Wright State
- Share your transfer plan with your academic advisors from both schools.
- Complete as many of the courses on your transfer guide/articulation agreement as possible.
- Apply for admission to Wright State one semester prior to your last semester at your community college. (You may need to apply earlier for some majors. Check with your academic advisor at Wright State for more information).
- Request a transcript from all of the colleges/universities you attended and submit them to Wright State.
- Apply for FAFSA by our February 1 priority deadline.
- Apply for Wright State competitive scholarships by February 1.
How do I become a Wright Path member?
To become a Wright Path member:
- Apply to, be admitted to, and register for classes at your partner institution.
- Complete your Wright Path membership application. You must have one term remaining at your partner institution when you apply.
Wright Path applications are processed weekly and must be submitted by the following dates for each start term:
- Fall—September 15
- Spring—February 1
- Summer—June 1
How do I track my membership status?
Revisit your Wright Path Portal to monitor your application status. Important next steps and the Wright Path Housing application will be loaded to your portal within two business days after membership approval.
How do I apply for Wright Path Housing?
Your Wright Path Housing application will be loaded to your Wright Path Portal within two business days after membership approval. You must remain enrolled in at least six credit hours at your partner institution to reside in Wright State campus housing.
To apply for housing:
- Visit your Wright Path Portal
- Click on the “Apply for On-Campus Housing” button
- Complete the separate application.
What happens after I submit my Wright Path Housing application?
After completing your housing application, you can submit your $250 security deposit.
If you plan to use financial aid to pay for housing, inform your partner institution’s financial aid office and review your completed FAFSA to ensure it indicates you will be living on campus. Your partner institution may have additional documents for you to sign, so keep an eye on your email.
Once your enrollment is verified with the partner institution, you will receive a notice from Wright State’s housing office with further instructions regarding housing assignments and monthly balance (if any).
How do I find my Wright State UID and email?
Once admitted to the Wright Path program revisit your Wright Path Portal, you will see "Setup your Account" and "Your Information" blocks. These will show you your Wright State username, email, and UID and allow you to set up your password.
How do I get my Wright State ID card?
Visit the Wright1 Card office (066 Student Union) with your UID and a valid government-issued photo ID (e.g. state ID, driver's license, military ID, passport). Tell them you are a Wright Path student when checking in.
How do I purchase a parking permit?
Visit the Parking Portal and click on “Get Permits” to purchase your permit There are no physical parking passes; your permit is associated with your license plate.
Can I buy a meal plan or use RaiderCash?
Wright Path students are not eligible to purchase meal plans. Instead, you can use RaiderCash during your time on campus. RaiderCash funds are carried forward until you graduate from Wright State. Make a RaiderCash deposit in WINGS Express, at the Wright1 Card office, or at an on-campus Wright1 Card kiosk.
How can I get involved at Wright State?
Get involved by attending campus, club, and organization activities that are open to all. You can also join clubs/organizations and participate in campus activities that do not have a Wright State enrollment requirement (exclusions include Greek Life, club sports, student employment, etc.). You may contact transfer@wright.edu for questions about specific activities.