STEM STUDENTS: Career Opportunities Info. Session with Thermo Fisher Scientific

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Thursday, April 22, 2021, Noon to 1 pm
Virtual via WebEx- Ashley Hill-Mercer's Personal Room
Current Students

Are you a STEM student interested in working for Thermo Fisher Scientific? Join a panel of Thermo Fisher professionals to learn about the company, its mission and values, the main product portfolios, and common career paths for STEM students. Panelists will each give a quick background on their own career path, how they got into sales in the biotech industry, and what their current roles are like (day-to-day, skillsets, etc.), and then also discuss what a hiring manager in sales would look for in potential candidates. Q & A to follow!

Please join Ashley Hill-Mercer's WebEx room for the event.
Ashley Hill-Mercer's Personal Room | 738912694
Join by video system Dial and enter your host PIN .
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

For information, contact
Ashley Hill-Mercer
Career Consultant- College of Science & Math
Log in to submit a correction for this event (subject to moderation).

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