University Wellness Nutrition Workshop: Navigating the Nutritional Jungle; What diet is best?

Friday, November 21, 2014, Noon to 1 pm
Monday, November 24, 2014, Noon to 1 pm
Student Union: Atlantis Room/E157

University Wellness is excited to announce the first installment of the Staff & Faculty Healthy Living Workshop Series: “Nutrition and Your Health”

Workshop Title: Navigating the Nutritional Jungle; What Diet is Best?

• This workshop will help you maneuver through and understand all the “diets” being marketed to the public today. This workshop will provide information to develop a basic understanding of what a healthy diet is comprised of, and how a specific “diet” may or may not be healthy for you.
• 2 sessions offered: Nov 21 & 24 from 12:00-1:00 pm / 30 seats available for each session
• The workshops will be led by Leslie Edmunds, a registered and licensed dietitian/nutritionist. Leslie attended WSU majoring in Public Health and The Ohio State University majoring in Medical Dietetics. She is a Certified Diabetes Educator and LEAP therapist, specializing in food sensitivities. She also holds a Certificate of Adult Weight Management.
• This is a “brown bag” series, so please bring yours! Refreshments will be provided.
• The workshops will be located in the Student Union / Atlantis Room / E157
• Reserve you seat by emailing Peggy Bloom at or calling 775-5256. Reserve early as seating is limited.

Hope to see you there!

For information, contact
Peggy Bloom
Director, University Wellness
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