Research Compliance

The Office of Research Compliance is a partner in your research endeavors. We will work with you to ensure compliance with regulations and policies that pertain to research, while facilitating your research goals. Below are links to various research-related topics which will outline your responsibilities as a researcher and describe how our office will work with you.    

Reporting Concerns: An externally supported online utility,  EthicsPoint, can be used to confidentially report concerns about Research Misconduct or other activities that may be unethical or violate university policies, or federal and state regulations and laws.  Reports can be submitted anonymously or with contact information, but only the persons with a need to know for that situation will be involved with investigating the concern.   Note: an EthicsPoint report may not fully satisfy state mandatory reporting requirements.  Concerns about Research Misconduct or Research Non-Compliance can also be reported by phone to the University Research Integrity Officer, Neal Sullivan, at (937) 775-3418.