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Banner 9 Admin General Navigation Training

Monday, March 12, 2018

Banner Admin User,

Banner 9 Admin General Navigation training is now available!

As we approach the transition from Banner 8 Admin to Banner 9 Admin, CaTS will be offering training on the new Banner 9 Admin user interface.

Banner 9 Admin General Navigation Training Dates:


  • 3/13: 2-3
  • 3/15: 10-11
  • 3/19: 9-10
  • 3/27: 2-3
  • 3/29: 10-11 (Lake Campus)


  • 4/4: 2-3
  • 4/6: 2-3
  • 4/10: 2-3
  • 4/12: 10-11
  • 4/18: 2-3
  • 4/20: 2-3
  • 4/25: 9-10
  • 4/26: 10-11


  • 5/3: 2-3
  • 5/4: 2-3
  • 5/8: 2-3
  • 5/10: 10-11
  • 5/16: 2-3
  • 5/22: 2-3
  • 5/29: 2-3

Please note that these trainings do not cover Banner Self-Service through WINGS Express. To register for training, please visit

If you have any questions, contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email

Office 365 Menu Update

Friday, March 9, 2018

Microsoft has made some recent changes to Wright State’s Office 365 environment, specifically to the Office 365 applications menu, accessible at

When accessing the Office 365 applications menu by clicking on the grid in the top lefthand corner of your email inbox, you will now see this window:

Office 365 Menu

This menu features your most used applications through Office 365. To view all services available to you, click on the All apps link under your list of Apps.

For More Help:
For more information about Wright State’s Office 365 service,visit You can also contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827 or send an email to

New Self-Service Portal!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Do you have a support request for CaTS?

A new self-service support request portal is now available through ServiceNow! Classroom support, along with account, access, service, and network access requests can now be made through the ServiceNow Service Portal

If you have questions about the new Service Portal, contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email

Urgent: Phishing Scam Notice for 2/16/18

Friday, February 16, 2018

The Help Desk was recently notified of an email phishing scam that targets Wright State students, faculty, and staff. The email appears to come from Wright State President Cheryl Schrader and contains a message like the one shown below, along with a link to click. DO NOT click the link or provide your Wright State account information! If you have already clicked on the link and entered your account information, please contact the CaTS Help Desk immediately.



Subject: Report from President Cheryl B. Desk

President Cheryl B, Schrader sent you a report,

Report_Feb_16_2018 [LINK IS HERE IN EMAIL]

Cheryl B. Schrader, Ph.D
Wright State University.



Please be aware that this is a scam. Again, do not click the link in the email.

If you have any questions about this scam, contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email

CaTS Classroom Computer Transition

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

CaTS is planning to replace existing classroom Mac Minis with Windows-based PCs. Although we realize this could be a concern for Mac users, we are proposing alternatives for faculty who still want to use a Mac in the classroom. 

On this page:


  • Apple last updated the Mac Mini in October 2014, and there have been no public announcements regarding the future of the Mac Mini platform.
  • The dual boot setup requires each Mac Mini to be managed onsite and limits timely support by CaTS. Although there are 118 physical computers in our classrooms, the dual boot setup essentially creates 236 individual computers that have to be managed.
    • Moving to a PC/Windows only environment reduces overhead of CaTS staff and improves service and support capabilities. 
    • Because of the complexity of the dual boot setup, there is increased risk of misconfiguration.
  • Wright State will be moving to Windows 10 for all new machine purchases on May 1, 2018.
    • There is a significant possibility of incompatibility with Windows 10 on Mac Mini's.
    • Classrooms will have a more consistent user experience. 
  • CaTS is committed to providing alternative options for Mac users in the classroom. You can find out more about these various options under the Potential Options for Mac Users section of this page
  • General Mac support on campus will not be impacted. All full-time Help Desk and Workstation staff are Apple certified, and are committed to providing support to the University.  . 

Cost Savings

  • Each year CaTS refreshes 1/5 (approx. 30 machines) of all Mac Mini's in production.
  • Each Mac Mini costs approx. $1000 with an additional 2 years of Apple Care.
  • Total cost each year is approx. $30,000.
  • Each PC costs $659 with a 3 year warranty.
  • Total cost to replace approx 30 machines per year: $19,770.
  • Cost savings: approximately $11,000/year.

Spring 2017 Login Statistics

Data collected via LabStats indicates that there were 14,993 logins by customers during Spring Semester 2017.  11,600 (~77%) Windows and 3,393 (~23%) OS X.  Below is a percentage breakdown by college.

Top Level Department / College Mac Login Count Windows Login Count Mac Avg % Windows Avg % Unique Mac Users Unique Windows Users Unique Mac Avg. % Unique Windows Avg %
TOTALS 3393 11600 23% 77% 415 1111 27% 73%
AP - Associate Provost Academic Affairs 461 1455 24% 76% 157 420 27% 73%

Chief Information Office

22 36 38% 62% 5 7 42% 58%
College of Education & Human Services Admin 478 865 36% 64% 40 65 38% 62%
College of Engineering & Computer Science 207 1367 13% 87% 16 66 19.5% 80.5%
College of Liberal Arts 1129 3104 27% 73% 64 132 33% 67%
College of Nursing & Health 1 164 1% 99% 1 16 6% 94%
College of Science & Math 473 1733 21% 79% 46 92 33% 67%
Facilities Planning & Management 0 1 0% 100% 0 1 0% 100%
Human Resources 1 0 100% 0% 1 0 100% 0%
Intercollegiate Athletics 2 21 9% 91% 2 4 33% 67%
Lake Campus 10 4 71% 29% 1 1 50% 50%
Physical Plant Admin 0 24 0% 100% 0 5 0% 100%

President's Office

0 1 0% 100% 0 1 0% 100%
PVN5 1 7 13% 87% 1 3 25% 75%
Raj Soin College of Business 185 2023 8% 92% 7 77 8% 92%
School of Medicine 190 79 71% 29% 15 16 48% 52%
School of Professional Psychology 1 140 1% 99% 1 20 5% 95%
University College 18 14 56% 44% 4 7 36% 64%
University Controller 0 1 0% 100% 0 1 0% 100%
University Libraries 1 15 6% 94% 1 8 11% 89%
University Police Department 12 20 38% 63% 1 3 25% 75%
VP - Enrollment Management 0 2 0% 100% 0 2 0% 100%
VP - Multicultural Affairs & Comm. Engagement 0 1 0% 100% 0 1 0% 100%
VP - Research & Graduate Studies 155 426 27% 73% 48 135 26% 74%
VP - Student Affairs 46 95 33% 67% 4 27 13% 87%
VP - University Advancement Admin 0 2 0% 100% 0 1 0% 100%


  • Replace all 122 Mac Mini's with Windows PC's running Windows 10 Enterprise. 
  • Replace Registrar managed rooms and other locations currently using HP workstations (23 devices).
    • The only locations that would not be upgraded are locations with department purchased equipment. Although CaTS maintains and supports this equipment, funding is provided by the respective departments.
    • This proposal does not include Mac-specific locations, such as in the Creative Arts Center (122, 201, 205, 288), 058 Dunbar Library, the ERC, etc. 
  • Initial Cost:
    • To replace all 122 Mac Minis, plus existing Windows-based PCs the initial cost would be approx. $102,555. 
    • 3-year replacement cycle would begin in FY2022.

Potential Options for Mac Users

Apple TV/ShareLink

Using an Apple TV or ShareLink would give Mac users the ability to use their own devices in the classroom.

Rooms Currently Featuring Apple TV/ShareLink

  • 020 CAC
  • 227 CAC
  • 280 CAC
  • 285 CAC
  • 331 CAC
  • 335 CAC
  • 101 FH
  • 108 FH
  • 204 FH
  • 210 FH
  • 134 HS
  • 140 HS
  • 009 MH
  • 244 MH
  • 395 MH
  • 497 MH
  • 499 MH
  • 171 MM
  • 202 MM
  • 271 MM
  • 120 MS
  • 022 OH
  • 112 OH
  • 114 OH
  • 125 OH
  • 135 OH
  • 309 OH
  • 340 OH
  • 150 RC
  • 153 RC
  • 154 RC
  • 208 RC
  • 302 RC 
  • 406 RC
  • 050 RK

Rooms to be Upgraded With an Apple TV/ShareLink in Summer 2018 (budget dependent)

  • 002 MH
  • 028 MH
  • 242 MH
  • 286 MH
  • 301 MH
  • 399 MH
  • 401 MH
  • 402 MH 
  • 116 HS
  • All Student Success Center Classrooms
  • 167 RK

Port Adapters

At the request of the faculty member, port adapters will be provided free of charge. 

CaTS would purchase:

  • VGA-Display Port adapters (for older MacBook models)
  • VGA-USB-C adapters (for newer MacBook models)

Additional port adapters would be available through the CaTS Help Desk for a one-time or semester long use.

MacBook Air Option

Depending on demand, CaTS would purchase approximately 10 MacBook Air laptops with the appropriate adapters and travel bag for those faculty who need to use a Mac in the classroom. These could be checked out from the CaTS Help Desk at the start of the Semester and returned once the semester is over. 

Mac Mini Carts Option

CaTS would repurpose 10 Mac Mini cart systems, and faculty members would schedule classroom delivery for the semester. CaTS staff would deliver, setup, and tear down for each requested class. 

Voicemail Upgrade Coming Soon

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

CaTS has recently implemented and tested an upgraded campus voicemail system. 

On February 6, 2018, CaTS will replace the current voicemail system with this new system for all campus voicemail users. This upgrade is needed since the current system is 10 years old and the vendor no longer provides support. 

To ensure a seamless transition, CaTS is asking that users prepare for this upgrade before the system cutover on February  6. The website listed below will guide you through setting a new PIN and configuring your personal greeting on the new system. These steps should take less than 5 minutes to complete. 

Important Notes: 

  • You will be required to set a new PIN and record a voicemail greeting in order to fully complete the setup process. Do not begin these steps unless you are prepared to record your greeting and create the PIN. 
  • These steps must be completed before February 6, 2018. Otherwise, you won't receive voicemails after the upgrade has been completed.
  • After the conversion on February 6, you will continue to check your voicemail using x1010. 
  • Existing voicemails will not be transferred to the new system. CaTS encourages you to review and clean up your existing voicemail before the February 6 conversion date.

New Voicemail System Setup

Additional capabilities of this new service will be announced at a later date.

For questions regarding this change, please contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827 or send an email to

Known Issues With Two-Factor Authentication

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Android OS

*Requires Microsoft Authenticator App to Two-Factor into the following applications*

Affected apps:

  • Outlook app
  • Office apps (e.g., Word, Excel, etc)
  • OneDrive for Business

Unaffected Android Applications 

  • Native smartphone mail app


Applications where Two-Factor does not currently function:

  • Outlook App
  • Office apps (e.g., Word, Excel, etc)
  • OneDrive for Business 

Workaround is to contact the CaTS Help Desk. The Help Desk will temporarily disable Two-Factor Authentication. User will then authenticate into the app and then the Help Desk will re-enable Two-Factor Authentication. Once a login session is established for these applications, Two-Factor challenge does not regularly reoccur.

Unaffected iOS Applications

  • OWA app
  • Native Mail app
  • Browser-based applications (e.g., using Safari)


Affected apps:

  • Outlook client
  • Office apps (e.g., Word, Excel) may have issues opening documents from OneDrive

Workaround is to authenticate on a whitelisted network (e.g., wired on campus), or contact the CaTS Help Desk. The Help Desk will temporarily disable Two-Factor Authentication. User will then authenticate into the app and then the Help Desk will re-enable Two-Factor Authentication. Once a login session is established for these applications, Two-Factor challenge does not regularly reoccur.

Unaffected macOS Applications

  • Browser-based application access (e.g., with Safari, Chrome, or Firefox)

Common Issues With Two-Factor Authentication

To read about common issues users have experienced when using Two-Factor Authentication, visit These issues are not Wright State specific.

Important Security Update Available for macOS High Sierra (10.13)

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

If you do not use a Mac computer running macOS High Sierra (e.g., a Windows PC, or earlier versions of macOS), you can disregard this message. Mac users can check the current version of their operating system by clicking into the Apple Menu, and selecting "About This Mac".

Earlier this week a vulnerability was identified in all versions of macOS High Sierra (10.13+) that allowed users access to administrative features of the system by using a blank password with the default administrator account. On Wednesday Apple released a security update for the vulnerability through the Mac App Store (click here for details), and is pushing the update through their standard update process for systems running version 10.13.1. 

This is a required security patch for all macOS High Sierra users. Computers still running version 10.13 of High Sierra may have to update to version 10.13.1 in order for the update to be available. Users can update through the Mac App Store by following the instructions on Apple's website

If you have any questions, contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email

Urgent: Phishing Scam Notice 11/20/17

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

CaTS has noticed an increase in the number of phishing attempts targeting Wright State faculty, staff and students. These scams are an attempt to steal your personal or student information, present you with fake job opportunities, or persuade you to transfer money to fake organizations.

What are phishing scams?

  • Phishing scams are emails designed to trick you into sending an unknown third party your account information or other personal or financial information.
  • These emails may look like they’re coming from Wright State, CaTS, your bank or credit card issuer, or any other institution you do business with.

How can you avoid phishing scams?

  • Remember that CaTS, WSU, and other reputable businesses WILL NEVER ask you for any personal information, such as your username and password, via email.
  • Never respond to a suspicious email or click links in those emails.
  • Don’t give out your personal information to anyone via email.
  • Don’t download attachments from an email unless you trust the sender.
  • Don’t give out financial information or transfer any money at the request of an email.

If you receive an email and are unsure if the message is a scam, feel free to contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827. We can help you determine whether the email you received is real or not.

2017 Customer Satisfaction Survey Results

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Wright State Community Member,

I want to thank everyone who participated in the CaTS 2017 Satisfaction Survey conducted in the Spring Semester. We are continuously looking for ways to improve our services, and your feedback is crucial in helping us set our goals for the future. 

You can view the full results of the survey here:

Survey Statistics

  • Surveys Completed: 897
  • Overall Customer Satisfaction among faculty and staff rose from 91% (2016) to 95% (2017)
  • Overall Customer Satisfaction rose from 84% (2016) to 85% (2017)
  • Customer Satisfaction among students fell from 74.69% (2016) to 63.38% (2017)

Survey Themes

This year we identified five themes when reviewing the comments and requests given in the survey responses:

  1. Theme: Create a 'No Talking' Lab
    Action Taken: 003 University Hall has been converted into a completely silent computer lab containing four workstations, two of which are in individual offices. This lab is open 24/7, but requires using your Wright1 Card to swipe in. 
  2. Theme: Shorten the Help Desk Phone Prompt
    Action Taken: The Help Desk has reduced the initial phone prompt length from 45 seconds down to 6 seconds. The reduction in time allows callers who are contacting the Help Desk to speak to a live technician more quickly without having to wait through an automated message. Callers no longer need to select a number for a specific service, as all calls connect directly to a Help Desk analyst.
  3. Theme: Improve Wireless Connectivity for Students
    Action Taken: In the coming weeks, CaTS will be sending a survey to all Wright State students. This survey will focus on wireless connectivity in academic buildings and residence halls on campus. This feedback will help us identify the potential areas for improvement. 
  4. Theme: Offer More Technical Training for Faculty and Staff
    Action Taken: The Technical Training team has started developing several new training sessions. These sessions include: Qualtrics, Banner 9 Admin General Navigation, Getting Started with Excel, and Getting Started with Adobe Acrobat. Training will be offered beginning in the fourth quarter of 2017. To view a list of workshops currently available, visit our IT Workshops website. For additional training requests, including one-on-one sessions, email
  5. Theme: Improve Apple Support for Faculty and Staff
    Action Taken: In the last 12 months, several technical support staff in CaTS were trained and became certified Apple Support Specialists. CaTS has also implemented Casper, a product that allows for self-service software downloads for university-owned Apple devices. For more information on Casper, visit

Thank you again for your feedback on this year's survey.

Craig Woolley
Chief Information Officer
