Retirees Association

DDN: WSU special committee considering using outside company to examine sports

Shamarre Hale (10)

Excerpt from the Dayton Daily News

A special committee created to examine Wright State University’s athletic program is considering hiring an outside firm to help with the analysis.

Several board trustees on the Special Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics expressed concerns on Tuesday that the scope of what they had been tasked with would be too much for them to make a thorough and fair report in less than a year.

Trustee Doug Fecher said he had spoken to one company which does analysis of university athletics programs.

“They really take a deep dive into what an athletics program means, really trying to help an institution determine if an athletic program is aligned with its resources, its mission and its values. That’s a key aspect that I’ve come to learn in my research is that an athletics program must support the mission and values of the university,” Fecher said.

Fecher said the cost would be “very reasonable.” He said the company is doing a similar project for a university and is charging $35,000. He estimated the university would need to budget up to $50,000 for a similar report.

The report would be due back in three to four months, Fecher said. He did not name the company in the meeting.