Halfway to Hybrid: How Faculty Use Supplemental Video

Wednesday, February 19, 2020, Noon to 1 pm
023 Dunbar Library
Current Students

Led by Lisa Kenyon, Associate Professor, Biological Sciences and Faculty Director, CTL, Chris Roberts, Associate Director, CTL and Ben Penry, Digital Technology Analyst, CTL.  Curious about how your colleagues are using video in face-to-face classes? If so, join us for this hands-on workshop exploring how supplemental videos can free up time for you and your students in the classroom. We’ll discuss how traditional face-to-face activities (e.g., lectures, student presentations, syllabus/rubric review) can be planned for and easily migrated to video for online use, freeing up valuable classroom time with your students for more engaging and dynamic interactions. We’ll also share specific faculty-tested implementations of Panopto, Wright State’s video management and lecture capture platform.

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