
[OFFICIAL-L] Special Course Expectations during COVID-19

Dear Wright State Community,

We’re delighted to welcome you for Fall Semester and wish for your success. While the severity of COVID-19 certainly appears to have lessened, it is still present.

Maintaining a safe campus during the COVID-19 pandemic remains a top priority. Wright State University continues to follow the guidance of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Ohio Department of Health to keep our campuses safe.

Wright State University has excused absence guidelines. Instructors should discuss with all students their course attendance requirements.

Anyone with a temperature at or above 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit or experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or other infectious diseases should not come to campus. Students may contact their primary care physician or the Student Health Center at 937-245-7200 (call or text).

At-home tests should be used when experiencing COVID symptoms. Prepare in advance by obtaining free self-administered tests with a university ID in a vending machine located near the Student Union Rathskeller on the Dayton Campus and at the Student Services Front Desk at the Lake Campus.

Absences due to quarantine or isolation requirements for COVID-19 or other infectious diseases should be considered excused absences. Students should notify their instructors as soon as they are aware that they have tested positive and will need to isolate according to the latest CDC guidelines. We ask faculty to be as accommodating as possible to students who are quarantined or in isolation. Students who are sick should not be among others on campus.

If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or another infectious disease, or have been diagnosed as a probable case, please review the CDC guidance on self-isolation and symptom monitoring and reportyour case to the University. 

Students can seek assistance by contacting Student Advocacy and Wellness Center at 937-260-0167 (24 hours a day, seven days per week). Staff are available to provide support services, including answering specific questions, for these types of absences.

Face Coverings
Face coverings are not required while on the Dayton or Lake Campus but are recommended. Students, faculty, and staff should feel free to wear them. The University continues to monitor the situation and community infection rates. Changes to this policy may occur at any time to align with CDC and county health department guidelines and to maintain campus safety.

Special Notes
It’s important to note that based on the unpredictability of the COVID-19 virus and other infectious diseases, changes may occur. So please be patient and understanding as we move through the semester. Please visit wright.edu/coronavirus regularly for updates to current requirements or mandates.

Amy Thompson, Ph.D.
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Chris Taylor, Ph.D.
Dean of Students