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CaTS Blog

Current Issues With Campus Voicemail 1/5

Monday, January 7, 2019

CaTS is currently experiencing issues with the campus voicemail server due to problems with today's scheduled server migrations. At this time, voicemail still remains unavailable.

CaTS will notify the University when voicemail services have been restored.

Reminder: Network and Service Outages for 1/5

Thursday, January 3, 2019

As a reminder, on Saturday, January 5, CaTS will be performing maintenance causing both network and service outages.

Network Outages
Locations: Student Union (entire building, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.), University Hall (entire building, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.), and Russ Engineering Center.

The Student Union and University Hall will experience network outages while aging network equipment is replaced, and the sporadic outages in Russ Engineering Center are due to localized power outages in CaTS Telecom/Networking closets to support the Verizon cellular project.

Service Outages
 From 7 a.m. - Noon, CaTS will be performing server migrations to upgrade the data storage. During this time all access to voicemail and all on-campus printing through Pharos and PrintWright will be unavailable.

If you have any questions, contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email

Network and Service Outages 12/27-1/5

Thursday, December 20, 2018

CaTS will be performing maintenance causing both network and service outages. The Student Union and University Hall outages are to upgrade aging network equipment, and the sporadic outages are due to localized power outages in CaTS Telecom/Networking closets to support the Verizon cellular project.

Thursday, December 27

Sporadic network outages will occur in

  • Creative Arts Center
  • Fawcett Hall

Friday, December 28

Sporadic network outages:

  • Rike Hall
  • Student Success Center
  • Medical Sciences
  • Hamilton Hall

Scheduled network outages:

  • Tom Hanks Building: 8 - 8:45 a.m.
  • Math and Microbiological Sciences: 8:45 - 9:30 a.m.
  • Millett Hall: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
  • Student Success Center: 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
  • Fawcett Hall: 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
  • Diggs Lab: 12:15 - 1 p.m.

Saturday, January 5

Sporadic network outages:

  • Russ Engineering Center

Scheduled network outages:

  • Student Union: 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • University Hall: 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Service outages:

On Saturday, January 5 from 7 a.m. - Noon, CaTS will be performing server migrations to upgrade the data storage. During this time all access to voicemail and all on-campus printing through Pharos and PrintWright will be unavailable.

Dayton Campus Wireless Network Outage for 12/20/18

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

On Thursday, December 20, CaTS will perform an upgrade to the campus wireless network. All wireless connectivity for the Dayton Campus will be unavailable from 5 - 7:30 a.m.

If you have issues connecting to the wireless networks after 7:30 a.m., contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827 or email with your location so we can troubleshoot the issue.

VDI System Outage 12/26/18

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Due to an update of our VDI environment, all VDI systems will be unavailable during the following date and time:

Date: Wednesday, December 26
Time: 8 - 9 a.m.

It is not necessary to power down your VDI during this date and time. 

If you have questions regarding this maintenance, contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email

Upcoming Network and Service Outages

Friday, December 14, 2018

Over the next several weeks, CaTS will be performing maintenance causing both network and service outages. The Student Union and University Hall outages are to upgrade aging network equipment, and the sporadic outages are due to localized power outages in CaTS Telecom/Networking closets to support the Verizon cellular project.

Network Outages

On the following dates, sporadic network outages will occur in the specified locations:

Date: Thursday, December 27
Locations: Creative Arts Center and Fawcett Hall

Date: Friday, December 28
Locations: Rike Hall, Student Success Center, Medical Sciences, and Hamilton Hall

Date: Saturday, January 5
Locations: Student Union (entire building, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.), University Hall (entire building, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.), and Russ Engineering Center

Service Outages

On Saturday, January 5 from 7 a.m. - Noon, CaTS will be performing server migrations to upgrade the data storage. During this time all access to voicemail and all on-campus printing through Pharos and PrintWright will be unavailable.

If you have any questions, contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email

Personal Adobe Creative Cloud Contract Information

Monday, December 3, 2018

Recently CaTS provided information on how to purchase Adobe Creative Cloud for personal computers. CaTS is aware that some members of the University are currently in a $20/month year long subscription with Adobe. Below are instructions on how to waive the early termination fee (normally 50% of the remaining contract value). In order to waive this fee, you will need to contact Adobe customer support via email with some of your account information. 

How do I cancel an existing account?

Per Adobe's standard terms, individuals are only eligible for a full refund if cancellation is within fourteen days of purchase. Individual Creative Cloud customers billed on a monthly plan who are switching to Wright State's enterprise coverage are eligible for a waived early termination fee, normally 50% of the remaining contract value. In order to waive this fee, you will need to contact Adobe customer support via email.

How do I transfer/migrate files from one account to another?

Follow this step-by-step guide to use Adobe Creative Cloud to migrate, or transfer, assets. 

What information do I need to include in the email to Adobe?

Send the email below to with the subject line Cancel STE Individual Subscription to Move to New ETLA Enterprise Subscription.


Good Afternoon,

I have a STE individual subscription for Creative Cloud. My University has entered into a new Enterprise agreement (DR2081484) and per University requirements, I am moving to the enterprise software. Per our Adobe Account Manager, Katie Pierce, please cancel the STE subscription without penalty and refund the charges since I have moved to the ETLA.

My STE individual account ID is: [most likely your Wright State email address]
My ETLA enterprise ID is: [your Wright State email address]

If you have questions, you can reach me at [your email] or [your phone number].

Thank you,

[your name]


If you have any questions, contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email

Faculty: Spring Classroom Technology Needs

Thursday, November 29, 2018

As Spring Semester approaches, please take a few moments to review the information below and let CaTS know your equipment, software, and training requirements.

Do you need training on classroom equipment?

If you would like training on the use of any technology available in your classroom, CaTS can help. To schedule one-on-one classroom training, fill out the Classroom Training request. A CaTS training representative will contact you shortly thereafter. 

If you plan to use NetSupport School, Apple TV, or Panopto lecture capture, the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) can provide training on how to effectively incorporate these services into your course. The CTL also provides NetSupport School and teaching untethered workshops throughout the academic year. For a list of workshops and training videos, visit the CTL website.

Are you teaching an IVDL course?

If you plan to use our Interactive Video Distance Learning (IVDL) classrooms to simultaneously teach a class to students on both Dayton Campus and Lake Campus, CaTS recommends you attend a brief training session on using this technology. To schedule a session, fill out the Classroom Training request

Do you need specialized classroom equipment?

If you need specialized equipment delivered to your classroom, please schedule this in advance by calling the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827. To make sure your preferences are saved for Spring Semester, please make your equipment request by December 15th.

Do you need specific software for your classroom?

As a reminder, if you need specialized software installed in your classroom for Spring Semester, submit your request to us by November 30th to ensure your classroom is ready for the semester.

Visit the following website to see a list of software already installed on classroom computers here. If the software you require is not listed, send a request to A technician will follow up with you regarding your request.

Software requests should include:

  • The specific name and version of software being requested
  • What classroom the software will need to be installed in

Other questions?

For any other questions regarding your classroom, please contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email

Classroom Software for Spring 2019

Thursday, November 15, 2018

CaTS will soon be preparing our electronic classrooms for the 2019 Spring Semester. If you need specialized software installed in your classroom for Spring Semester, we need your request submitted to us no later than November 30th, 2018.

Visit the following website to see a list of software already installed on classroom computers:

If the software you require is not listed, send a request to A technician will follow up with you regarding your request.

Software requests should include:

  • The specific name and version of software being requested
  • What classroom the software will need to be installed in

If you have any questions, call the Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email

Verizon Construction for 11/17/18

Thursday, November 15, 2018

On Saturday, November 17 from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., Verizon technicians will be on the Dayton Campus to begin construction of the rooftop antenna system in order to improve signal in Wright State’s hallways and tunnels. These systems are being provided by Verizon at no cost to the University.

During this time, all exterior foot traffic between Fawcett Hall and Oelman Hall will be restricted due to heavy-duty construction equipment being on campus; tunnel access will still be available. All construction equipment will be stored in lot 11, outside Millett Hall.

If you have any questions, contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email
