Sonia, Parent of a Current Student

Words cannot express how pleased I am with your RASE program and what it has done for my son, K. K. is an amazing young man with many talents and gifts. He started his college career in Fall of 2014 with a lot of excitement, but also fear as he had never really been away from home for an extended period of time. He had a great social introduction to Wright State during his first semester (which is one of the things I was really hoping for) but didn't have the balance that he needed to perform academically at the level we all know he is capable of.
Fast forward to 2nd semester and we are just jumping for JOY with the results of his turnaround. With your high level of engagement and support from his coach, we have seen a remarked improvement in K.'s organization and time management skills, and ultimately, his grades! Wow!
We are very thankful for the RASE program and what it has done for K.'s confidence and success at Wright State University. May you continue to RASE the bar for academic excellence for students like K and continue to see the level of success that we have experienced with you.