Netsupport for Classroom Management in the Student Success Center and Russ Active Learning/SCALE-UP Classrooms

Thursday, January 10, 2019, 1 pm to 2 pm
005 Student Success Center
Current Students

Led by Greg Asman, Instructional Designer, CTL. Netsupport is a software package that helps faculty facilitate and manage instruction and student learning activities that utilize large installations of student computers/laptops. Netsupport is installed in all of the Active Learning/SCALE UP Classrooms  and allows the instructor to blank and lock student’s laptop’s screen, share the instructor’s screen on every laptop, randomly select students, share an individual student’s screen with the entire class, manage access to applications on the laptops as well as student’s internet access, facilitate group work, allow every student to respond to questions pushed to their computers by the instructor and share the result with the class, distribute files to and collect files from every laptop as well as manage all classroom laptops via a mobile phone, iPad or tablet. Participants will be given an overview on how to use the key features of the NetSupport package.

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