Book Group: Deep Work by Cal Newport

Monday, December 3, 2018, Noon to 1 pm
DAVE Lab, 2nd Floor, Rike Hall
Current Students

Led by Matt Ingram, Lecturer, Finance & Financial Services.  As a member of the Center for Teaching and Learning faculty advisory board, I will lead a book discussion of “Deep Work” by Cal Newport.  In today’s world of social media distraction and technology addiction, the ability to focus on important and productive activities becomes extremely valuable in today’s work environment.

In “Deep Work”, author Cal Newport outlines the way to increase our productivity in the face of interference that makes “shallow work” more seductive. We will discuss how the application of Newport’s strategies can improve our research and teaching skills. In addition, we will consider if our classroom teaching helps or hinders our student’s ability to work deeply at Wright State University.

I encourage you to read the book and join me on December 3rd!

Here is the link if you want more info on the book:

Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World ...

Praise “As a presence on the page, Newport is exceptional in the realm of self-help authors.” —New York Times Book Review “DEEP WORK accomplishes two considerable tasks: One is putting out a wealth of concrete practices for the ambitious, without relying on gauzy clichés.    


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