Four Decades Lecture by F. Jack Hurley

Sunday, September 9, 2018, 1 pm to 2 pm
Robert and Elaine Stein Galleries
Future Students
Current Students
The public

FOUR DECADES is a retrospective of works created by Wright State art professor emeritus Ron Geibert, featuring color street photography, installations, Orwellian prints, and electronic kiosks, and complemented with historical photographs and collection highlights. Among the exhibition are photographic artworks added to Wright State’s permanent collection from the dozen shows curated by Geibert from 1986 to 2007. FOUR DECADES also extends its reach back in history with a reshowing of the exhibition The Celebrative Spirit: 1937–1943. This 1986 exhibition combines rarely seen photographs of community spirit from the Library of Congress and other associated archives, and a 1997 CD-ROM with rare video and audio components, to illustrate the role of social and recreational events during the Great Depression. Interpretative text by noted Farm Security Administration historian F. Jack Hurley on 10 photographers employed by the FSA during the Roosevelt Presidency provides a balance between the known and the speculated.

Support for this FotoFocus Biennial 2018 exhibition was provided by FotoFocus and the Ohio Arts Council.


All Gallery events are free and open to the public. Visitor parking areas on campus are free, and parking at the Creative Arts Center is unrestricted on weekends. A dedicated parking space for galleries patrons is available in Lot 13. For more information, please contact the galleries at (937) 775-2978 or visit

For information, contact
Michael Conlan, M.F.A.
Gallery Coordinator
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