Faculty Affairs

Watermark Faculty Success

On this page:

About Watermark Faculty Success

Watermark Faculty Success is a tool for faculty to collect, manage and report their teaching, research and service activities, along with their accomplishments and professional activities. Benefits include:

  • Eliminates inconsistencies in reports and reduces requests for faculty to provide information related to their scholarship, research, creative activities, and teaching.
  • Provides an efficient and useful tool to assist with annual reviews and allows faculty to create resumes, dossiers, and annual reports in various formats.
  • Provides a single data source that can be used to quickly aggregate information and generate reports for professional and regional accreditations, sponsored programs, scholarly and creative activity, and other internal and external reporting purposes.


  • All faculty will have access to the system.
  • Faculty that submit their information for annual reviews through the Faculty Success, once their data is entered, or utilize the past Faculty Activity Report previously used by the colleges. As of February 1, 2024, Faculty Success will be the only acceptable medium for submitting promotion and tenure documents and  senior lecturer promotion documents, and for reporting activity for annual evaluation.
  • Faculty applying for promotion and/or tenure during the 2024-2025 academic year will submit their data and application through the Faculty Success system.




Importing Publications from Google Scholar

Note: While it is possible to export a specific citation within your Google scholar search results to BibTeX, the intention is that one would first aggregate his or her citations via Google Scholar Citations prior to generating the BibTeX file for import into Faculty Success.

To export citations to a BibTeX file:

  1. Navigate to Google Scholar.
  2. You will see two options at the top left, My Profile and My Library. Select My Profile.
  3. If you are not yet logged in, enter your credentials to sign in. Upon signing in you should land on your profile page where you will see a list of your "articles."
  4. Click on the check box next to each article you would like to export, to select all articles simply click on the checkbox at the very top.
  5. Once you’ve made your selections select the Export option and choose BibTex as your file format. This will convert your articles into BibTeX format.
  6. Next, you’ll need to copy the BibTex text into a text editor (such as Notepad for PC or TextEdit for Mac) and save it as a .txt or .bib file.

For more information please see the Google Scholar help guide.

Adding Research Interests to a Faculty Success Profile

  1. Upon logging in, select ‘Faculty Success’
  2. Select ‘Current Research Interests’ within the Research section
  3. Select ‘Add new’
  4. Enter content, as a brief statement about your research interests, within the Description box and select ‘Save’.

Adding Research Interests to a Faculty Success Profile instructions with screenshots (PDF)
