Women's Center Reading Selection: _Girl in Translation_ by Jean Kwok

Thursday, August 2, 2012, Noon to 1 pm
Wednesday, August 8, 2012, Noon to 1 pm
Women's Center, 148 Millett
Current Students

Join us to discuss our summer reading selection, Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok. Kwok’s debut novel tells the story of Kimberly Chang, who emigrates from Hong Kong to Brooklyn with her mother. The pair barely make ends meet, and Kimberly navigates being an exceptional student during the day—earning accolades and opportunities for her academic achievement—and being a Chinatown sweatshop worker at night—earning pennies for each piece of clothing she prepares.

A New York Times bestseller, Girl in Translation has earned numerous awards, including the Alex Award from the American Library Association. The Wright State common text for the upcoming academic year, author Jean Kwok will visit campus in September to deliver a lecture to first year students and the campus community.

Participants are welcome to attend one or both of the book discussions. Call or stop by the Women’s Center to reserve your spot and one of the books available for those committed to the Summer Reading discussion. For more information about the Women’s Center Summer Reading, contact Amber at 775-4524 or amber.vlasnik@wright.edu.

For information, contact
Amber Vlasnik
Director, Women's Center
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