Emily Sandt, M.S. Physics Thesis Defense: "A Social Network Analysis of an Introductory Calculus-Based Physics Class with Comparisons of Traditional and Non-Traditional Students, FCI Scores, and Network Centralities"

Wednesday, June 22, 2016, 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
242 Fawcett Hall
Current Students

Abstract: The use of social network analysis in physics education research seeks to advance understanding of how students’ collaborative tendencies influence trends of learning. Common useful measurements are network size, density of connections, and centrality measures that describe the importance of nodes’ positions. This study compared four different centrality measures at the beginning and end of seven sections of an introductory calculus-based physics course. The Force Concept Inventory was used as a measure of conceptual learning at pre- and post-course administrations. The main focus of this study was to identify if differences in network centralities and conceptual learning/knowledge exist with respect to students’ designations as traditional or non-traditional (age 22+). Various class sizes, styles, and instructors were included in the data. Results showed some common and conflicting trends for the different class types, with non-traditional students generally at a disadvantage in network position but comparable in conceptual scores.

For information, contact
Doug Petkie
Chair of Physics
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