Raider Open House

Transfer Center

Career-Technical and Industry-Recognized Credential Credits

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Career-Technical Assurance Guide (CTAGs)

Some career-technical courses and programs you completed in high school may be eligible to earn college credit. This opportunity is possible thanks to Career-Technical Assurance Guides (CTAGs).

For a complete list of CTAGs and the requirements to earn CTAG credit, visit the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) Career-Technical Credit Transfer (CT)² webpage.

Your eligible CTAG credits with course equivalencies at Wright State are listed in the table below.

Please contact Hideo Tsuchida, a Transfer Team member, with any questions about the transfer of career-technical credit.

CTAG Category

CTAG Course

Wright State Course

Credit Hours


Agribusiness and Production Systems

CTAGP001–Crop Production

FAS 2040 – Introduction to Agronomy



Animal Science and Management

CTASM001–Introduction to Animal Science

FAS 2030–Introduction to Animal Science



Business CTBU004–Legal Environment of Business LAW 3000–Legal Environment of Business 3 Dayton and Lake
  CTBU010–Introduction to Financial Accounting ACC 2010–Accounting Principles I 3 Dayton and Lake
  CTBU011–Introduction to Managerial Accounting ACC 2020–Accounting Principles II 3 Dayton and Lake

Clinical/Medical Lab Technology

CTMLT001–Introduction to Medical Lab Science

MLB 4110 and MLB 4111–Orientation to Medical Lab Science and Lab



Criminal Justice

CTCJ001–Introduction to Criminal Justice

SOC 2700–Introduction to Criminal Justice in Society


Dayton and Lake


CTED001–Introduction to Education

ED 2600–Introduction to Education



Electrical Engineering Technology CTEET002–Digital Electronics EE 2000 and EE 2000L Digital Design with HDL and Lab 4 Dayton and Lake
Exercise Science CTES001–Introduction to Exercise Science KNH 2410–Introduction to Kinesiology and Health 3 Dayton
  CTES002–Fitness and Health Foundations HPR 2020–Teaching Fitness in Physical Education 3 Dayton

Food Science

CTFSC001–Introduction to Food Processing

FAS 2000–Introduction to Food Science



Graphics CTGRPH001–Raster Graphics  IT 2010–Photoshop I 3 Lake
  CTGRPH002–Vector Graphics IT 1300–Illustration 3 Lake
Information Technology

CTIT008–Cisco II: CCNA  – Routing and Switching Essentials

(Expired in Summer 2021)

2000–Level CS (Computer Science) Technical Elective in the CSBA and ITC programs (Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science and Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Cybersecurity) 3 Dayton

CTIT009–Cisco III: CCNA 3 – Scaling Networks

(Expired in Summer 2021)

2000–Level CS (Computer Science) Technical Elective  in the CSBA and ITC programs (Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science and Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Cybersecurity) 3 Dayton
  CTIT015–CompTIA Security+ CEG 3400–Introduction to Cyber Security 3 Dayton
  CTIT016–Linux CEG 2350–Operating System Concepts and Usage 4 Dayton
  CTIT018–Cisco II: CCNA  7– Switching, Routing and Wireless Essentials (SRWE) 2000–Level CS (Computer Science) Technical Elective in the CSBA and ITC programs (Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science and Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Cybersecurity) 3 Dayton
  CTIT019–Cisco III: CCNA 7 – Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation (ENSA) 2000–Level CS (Computer Science) Technical Elective in the CSBA and ITC programs (Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science and Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Cybersecurity) 3 Dayton

Interactive Media

CTIMI001–2D Animation

IT 2220–Digital Animation




CTIM004–Internet and Web Languages

IT 2200–Web Theory and Design I




CTIM005–Graphical Website Design

IT 2210–Web Theory and Design II



Mechanical Engineering Technology CTMET005–Computer-Aided Design/Drafting  ME 1040–Engineering Design and Solid Modeling 3 Dayton & Lake

Medical Terminology

CTMT001–Medical Terminology

BIO 1010–Medical Terminology



Performing Arts


TH 1020–Introduction to Technical Theatre
Credit awards through summer 2021



Personal Finance CTPF001–Personal Finance FIN 2050 Personal Financial Decision Making 3 Dayton & Lake


CTBPO0001–Basic Police Officer

LE1100-1150–Police Academy 1-6




CTPROG002–Java Programming

CS 1180/L–Computer Science I



Visual Design and Imaging

CTVDI001–Design and Typography Fundamentals

IT 1400–Layout and Typography




CTVDI002–Fundamentals of Advertising and Communication

IT 2500–Promotional Design



Industry-Recognized Credential Transfer Assurance Guide (ITAGs)

Some industry-recognized, third-party credentials (license/certification) you have obtained may be eligible to earn college credit. To be eligible for college credit, you want to make sure that your credential is current.  This opportunity is possible thanks to Industry-Recognized Credential Transfer Assurance Guides (ITAGs).

For a complete list of ITAGs and the requirements to earn ITAG credit, visit the Ohio Department of Higher Education’s (ODHE) ITAG website.

Your eligible ITAG credits with course equivalencies at Wright State are listed in the table below.

Please contact Hideo Tsuchida, a Transfer Team member, with any questions about the transfer of industry-recognized credential credit.

ITAG Category

ITAG Course

Wright State Course

Credit Hours


Information Technology

ITITS015–Information Technology Security (CompTIA Security+)1

CEG 3400 – Introduction to Cyber Security



Mechanical Engineering Technology  ITMET005–Computer-Aided Design/Drafting2 ME 1040 - Engineering Design and Solid Modeling 3 Dayton & Lake

1Students wishing to receive credit should download a PDF certificate or create a transcript via the CompTIA website and email it to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at

2Autodesk and SOLIDWORKS both provide access to your certification as a digital badge via Credly. You should log in to your Credly account and share your badge information by sending it to Additional information can be found in the "After you certify" section of the FAQ page on the Autodesk website or on the 3DExperience Certification Center for SOLIDWORKS.

*No application fee for domestic undergraduate applicants.