University Police

Community Policing Programming

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About Community Policing Programming

The Wright State Police Division takes pride in building and maintaining positive relationships within the community. Our goal is to make the community safer and provide excellent service and this is why we strive to maintain a quality community policing program. The goal and focus of our programming is to provide educational training for faculty, staff and students. The programming we offer focus on various safety measures and risk reduction techniques. While the police division focuses these programs on specific topics such as alcohol use awareness, sexual assault awareness, general safety tips, and recognizing distressed individuals and violent intruders, officers are always willing to address other current or prudent educational topics. The Wright State Police Division is always looking to increase awareness and safety on our campus. Below you will find a description of these various educational programs and a request form to start the process. We look forward to serving you, Raider Up!

Campus Safety Series

The Department of Public Safety is now leading events throughout the year, teaching information on campus safety. The Campus Safety Series includes the following programs:

Topic Description
DPS Overview & General Safety Overview of the division and general safety 
QPR: Question. Persuade. Refer. Learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. Three simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide.
Driver Safety & Distracted Driving Educational programming on general driver safety and bringing awareness to the "new" Distracted Driving Laws that are in effect throughout the state of Ohio.
Human Trafficking Awareness Educational programming on human trafficking. Learn about what human trafficking is, what do traffickers do and how do they operate, stats of the State of Ohio, indicators found in Trafficking victims and general safety tips. 
Drug & Alcohol Awareness Educational programming on drugs and alcohol. Learn about various laws and penalties in Ohio associated with underage drinking, open containers, disorderly conduct, false identification, operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, and several other areas associated with alcohol and drug use.
Sexual Assault Awareness Educational programming on sexual assaults. Learn about what a police investigation may look like, protection orders, campus resources/support, and hospital care. Also, this program will cover risk-reduction techniques and statistics related to sexual assaults on college campuses.
Fraud & Scam Prevention Educational programming on fraud and scams. Learn risk-reduction techniques and how to identify possible scams. 
Run, Hide, Fight Educational programming on active threat situations and what to do if there's ever an active shooter or other threat on campus.

Educational programming about Naloxone (NARCAN). Learn about Project DAWN, opioids, NARCAN, and its proper use. At the completion of the program, participants will receive a complimentary NARCAN kit. View NARCAN location chart.

Stop the Bleed A training initiative with the goal of improving survival from natural and man-made mass casualty events.

To register for any of these courses, please visit the Public Safety Engage website. We also provide these courses upon request.

Other programming is available upon request 


Programming Request Form

