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Prestigious Scholarships and Fellowships

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About Prestigious Scholarships and Fellowships

Would you like recognition for your good grades and service while you are a student at Wright State? Would you like to see what doors are open to high-achieving students? Have you ever thought about studying in Oxford or Cambridge?

The Prestigious Scholarships and Fellowships Resource Center is here to provide Wright State students with the most comprehensive and up-to-date information about national scholarships. On this website, you will find a list of scholarships guidelines for putting together a strong, competitive application; links to other resources; and tips for faculty members writing letters of recommendation.

The Resource Center is housed in the University Honors Program. If you would like more personal assistance in your pursuit of a scholarship opportunity, feel free to contact Honors Studies by visiting 243 Millett Hall, calling 937-775-2660, or emailing

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why apply for a national scholarship?

    In addition to receiving lifelong recognition for these achievements, scholars study at world-renowned institutions, become immersed in another culture, enjoy international travel, become friends with fellow scholars, and join the networks of scholarships' distinguished alumni. Even if you don't win a scholarship going through the application process is a valuable experience. You'll learn more about yourself, improve your writing and interviewing skills, define and articulate your academic and career goals, and develop relationships with mentors. Your scholarship application can also easily be turned into an application for graduate school.

  • What is a national scholarship?

    A national scholarship is a funded academic opportunity that is nationally competitive. This might mean funding for your education at Wright State, funding for a study abroad program, funding for graduate or professional school, or it might be an internship opportunity. The key term here is national. You will be competing with students from around the country. Go national with your talents and achievements!

  • Should I apply for every fellowship that interests me?

    It is best to concentrate your efforts on two or three applications that suit your interests and talents. You don't want to spread yourself too thin and compromise all of your applications. As you will see, the application process is quite involved with multiple components. Look at the guidelines section for more information about the application process.

  • What is the difference between a fellowship and a scholarship?

    The terms have pretty much become interchangeable. But, a scholarship always includes some sort of funding, whereas a fellowship might not. Generally speaking, however, there tends not to be a difference, so if you see the term "fellowship," do not dismiss the opportunity without reading the details first.

  • I already applied for a scholarship and was not awarded one. Should I apply again?

    Yes. So many factors go into the decision to award, or not award, someone a scholarship. The competition pool will change, the selecting jury might change, the jury member might be in a different frame of mind, etc. If you think that you are competitive for an award, and your mentors agree, you should most definitely apply again. Maybe your first try will have been a practice run for the real thing! You never know until you try.

  • I am a first-year student and would like to apply when I am a more advanced student. What steps should I take now to be competitive in the future?

    Of course, most important is keeping a high GPA. After that, you should aim for being involved in campus and community groups that demonstrate leadership, research, and/or community service skills. If you can, and have the opportunity, try to find internship opportunities beyond the local community. You should also cultivate good relations with your professors and communicate your ambitions to them. And don't shy away from keeping up with your other interests or hobbies (playing guitar, writing poetry, fencing, for example), even if they are not related to your field of study. The jury committees who read these applications tend to look for a Renaissance-style, well-rounded applicant. In terms of more specific preparation, if you already have your eye on a particular scholarship, get a copy of the application and guidelines to get a sense of what you need to aim for over the next few years. If you don't have your eye on any particular scholarship,  start researching opportunities by following your interests and seeing what you would be eligible for. Click here for links to search databases.

Prestigious Scholarship and Fellowship Listings

In this section you will find lists of scholarships with brief descriptions, so that you can get a sense of what you might be eligible for and interested in. If you would like more detailed information, click on the link to the individual scholarship website. If you would like to discuss any of these opportunities further, contact Honors Studies.

Undergraduate Scholarships

Study in the U.S.

Program Name Brief Description
Amgen Scholars Provides opportunities for students to participate in undergraduate summer research in science and biotechnology at host universities across the U.S. Amgen Scholars website
Truman Scholarship Awarded to undergraduate students, who wish financial support to attend graduate or professional school in preparation for careers in government, the non-profit sector or elsewhere in public service. Truman Scholarship website
Morris K. Udall Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships For college sophomores and juniors for leadership, public service, and committment to issues related to American Indian nations or to the environment. Udall Foundation website
Alpha Lambda Delta Jo Anne Trow Undergraduate Scholarships For undergraduate members of Alpha Lamda Delta that have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. Alpha Lambda Delta website
Phi Kappa Phi Literacy Initiative Grants Available to Phi Kappa Phi chapters and individual members to fund ongoing literacy projects or to create new initiatives. Phi Kappa Phi website
Golden Key Awards Golden Key offers a variety of nationally-based scholarships for undergraduate and graduate studies including study abroad opportunities. Golden Key website Golden Key also offers Chapter-based awards for outstanding members. Contact Pam Davis or Wright State chapter website for more information. 
Barry Goldwater Scholarship For college sophomores and juniors who show exceptional promise of becoming this Nation’s next generation of natural sciences, mathematics and engineering research leaders.Scho

Columbus Foundation Student Scholarships

200 Scholarships available for students from the Columbus area.

Study Abroad

Program Name Brief Description
Marshall Scholarships For study towards a graduate degree (must already have undergraduate degree) at a UK institution in any field of study. Scholarship is held for two years. A limited number of one-year scholarships are available for the 2016 process. Marshall Scholarships website
Alpha Lambda Delta James G. Stemler Study Abroad Scholarship To offset the expense of studies abroad for eligible members of Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society. Alpha Lambda Delta website
David L. Boren Undergraduate Scholarships For undergraduate study abroad in non-Western countries; related to national security. Boren Awards website
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarships For undergraduate study abroad for U.S. students traditionally underrepresented in study abroad programs. Gilman Scholarship Program website
Golden Key Awards Golden Key offers a variety of nationally-based scholarships for undergraduate and graduate studies including study abroad opportunities. Golden Key website Golden Key also offers Chapter-based awards for outstanding members. Contact Pam Davis or Wright State chapter website for more information.
Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants To recognize and assist undergraduates as they seek knowledge abroad. Phi Kappa Phi website
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS): Student Internship Award Recognizes undergraduates who demonstrate strong potential for leadership in the fields of international affairs. CSIS website

Graduate Scholarships

Study in the U.S.

Program Name Brief Description
Hertz For doctoral studies in the natural sciences. Hertz Foundation website
Ford Foundation Fellowship Program The Foundation sponsors three graduate diversity fellowship programs —predoctoral, dissertation, and postdoctoral—through the National Research Council. Ford Foundation Fellowship Programs website
Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans For up to two years of graduate study in the US. Applicants must be “new Americans” (resident alien, naturalized citizen, or both parents naturalized citizens). Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans website
GEM Fellowship For students of underrepresented minorities pursuing an MS in engineering, or a PhD in engineering or science. GEM website
Richard M Weaver
and Henry Salvatore Fellowships

For students who are U.S. citizens that are enrolled in a full-time graduate program for academic year 2017-2018. Intercollegiate Studies Institute website

Consortium for Graduate Study in Management For African-American, Hispanic-American, and Native American students pursuing a master’s degree in business; must study at one of 17 member schools. The Consortium website
National Physical Science Consortium Special emphasis on underrepresented minorities and women pursuing graduate work in the physical sciences. National Physical Science Consortium website
American Association of University Women (AAUW) Career Development Grants For women who hold a bachelor’s degree and are preparing to advance career, change career, or re-enter the workforce. AAUW website
National Institutes of Health Oxford - Cambridge Scholars Program An interdisciplinary program designed to train outstanding students in various areas of biomedical research leading to a Doctor of Philosophy degree awarded by the University of Cambridge. Cambridge Scholars Program website
Alpha Lambda Delta Graduate Fellowships For Alpha Lambda Delta members who will be pursuing professional or graduate study at any accredited college or university. Alpha Lambda Delta website
Truman Scholarship Awarded to undergraduate students, who wish financial support to attend graduate or professional school in preparation for careers in government, the non-profit sector or elsewhere in public service. Truman Scholarship website
James Madison Fellowships For MA in American history or political science, MAT with concentration in American constitutional history, American government, political institutions, political theory, or MEd/MA/MS with concentration in above subjects of study. James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation website
Golden Key Awards Golden Key offers a variety of nationally-based scholarships for undergraduate and graduate studies including study abroad opportunities. Golden Key website Golden Key also offers Chapter-based awards for outstanding members. Contact Pam Davis or Wright State chapter website for more information.
Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowship For first-year graduate or professional study. Phi Kappa Phi website
Phi Kappa Phi Love of Learning Awards For post-baccalaureate studies and/or career development for active Phi Kappa Phi members. Phi Kappa Phi website
National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Three-year graduate fellowships for research, teaching, and the application of science, math, or engineering. Women can apply for WENG and WICS awards. NSF website

Study Abroad

Program Name Brief Description
Marshall Scholarships For study towards a graduate degree (undergraduate degree required) at a UK institution in any field of study. Each scholarship is held for two years. Marshall Scholarships website
Mitchell 1 year graduate study in Ireland. The George J. Mitchell Scholarship website
Rhodes For study at Oxford University; graduate and undergraduate degrees. The Rhodes Trust website
Fulbright For recent graduates, postgraduate candidates, and developing professionals and artists to conduct career-launching study and research abroad.
Gates For postgraduate study at Cambridge University. Gates Cambride website
DAAD For undergraduates through faculty members to spend time in or conduct research on Germany. DAAD website
Golden Key Awards Golden Key offers a variety of nationally-based scholarships for undergraduate and graduate studies including study abroad opportunities. Golden Key Golden Key also offers Chapter-based awards for outstanding members. Contact Pam Davis or Wright State chapter website for more information.
Rotary Peace Fellowships 2 year master’s level degree program in conflict resolution, peace studies, and international relations at one of 7 Rotary centers worldwide. Rotary website