Your Wright Way To Go Global: May 2016


Table of Contents


La Jefa Updates  


Summer has certainly not slowed down for international education at Wright State! We are busily supporting our Ambassador Programs abroad and preparing for Fall international students arrivals. Did you know that this is also a very busy time for international admissions?  International students need time to get their visa documents and schedule an appointment with the US Consulate in their home countries. Then they usually start arriving to campus in August.  This Fall, our new students will have the added excitement of the first US National Debate being held on the Wright State campus on September 26th. UCIE is planning several election related programs and activities this Fall including a lecture by the Department of Political Science and a viewing party in collaboration with the Dayton Council on World Affairs. We also plan to run a mock election for international students following the debate. Our international students are certainly watching these elections closely, so stay-tuned for UCIE election results! 
Finally, UCIE will be hosting several groups of visitors this summer including delegations from China, UK, Nigeria, and Japan.  Please welcome them to our campus if you happen to meet them.  Enjoy your summer!

Connect with International Students through Sports!

Did you know that you can stay active this summer and connect with international students by participating in our International Sports Program. All throughout the summer, we invite you to compete in a variety of games with our students. Upcoming sports include volleyball, kickball, soccer, canoeing, ultimate frisbee, dodge ball, racketball, throw ball, and so much more. Locations vary each week. All that's missing is you and your friends!

Volleyball with UCIE and ICEBasektball






Upcoming UCIE Events: IFB (1).jpgCanoeing trip summer 2016.jpg

International Football with UCIE 

Meet people from all over the world while joining a fun game of soccer with UCIE. Just show up and enjoy!
Friday, May 27th, 2-4pm
Russ Football Field 

Canoeing with UCIE 

Come have a blast with the UCIE crew as we tour the Little Miami River with canoes!
Friday, June 3rd, 10am-4pm
Bellbrook Canoe Rental
$10 per person (includes transportation and canoe rental).

UCIE Convo Club

Join great convesations with international friends! Every Thursday, 1-2pm
Student Union E190.

International Women's Gathering

Enjoy a private women's event with women from around the world. Learn about Ramadhan and enjoy henna and international foods.
Monday, June 6th, 1-3pm
Student Union E190

Volleyball with UCIE

Meet people from all over the world while joining a fun game of volleyball with UCIE. 
Friday, June 10th, 2-5pm
Student Union Gym

Kickball with UCIE 

Meet people from all over the world while joining the classic game of kickball with UCIE. 
Friday, June 17th, 1-3pm
Lot 4 Baseball Fields

International Student Highlight: Avinash Nanjunda Swamy
Avinash Nanjunda Swamy

Majored in Mechanical Engineering
Home Country: India 
Current Employment Position: Mechanical Designer, Automation Systems and Design, Dayton 
I obtained my dream job as a Mechanical Designer for Automation Systems and Design after I graduated from Wright State University. Here are a couple resources that were a great help to me:
1. My professors! The mechanical engineering department has professors who work at the Wright Patt Airforce Base or have direct links with giant companies like Boeing and Caterpillar. 
2. The alumni connections that Wright State University maintains is another huge link to the corporate world.
3. Seminars, job fairs, and access to the corporate world that UCIE offers is a great moral boost. 
4. Lastly, the library and other networks of information are probably the backbone of the entire job seeking process. 

Students Abroad: Madison Daniels
Excursion to Gipuzkoa%2c Arantzazu.jpg

Hello! My name is Madison Daniels and  I am one of the UCIE’S $1,000 study abroad scholarship recipients who chose to study abroad in San Sebastian Spain this spring 2016. I am majoring in Spanish and I have always planned on studying abroad in college because there is really no better time to go than during the best years of your life. I was sure to do my research beforehand and found that study abroad has changed the lives of so many students and also discovered that by going abroad I am able to complete most of my Spanish major requirements. While in San Sebastian, I have also been able to work as an English tutor for Spanish families, which has been a great experience. I look forward to improving my Spanish language skills as well as gaining a lifetime’s worth of experience and memories!