Your Wright Way to Go Global: April 2017

Table of Contents

La Jefa Updates-Michelle Streeter-Ferrari

Dear Wright State Community,
We have made it to the end of the year!  
Just a week ago we were able celebrate the amazing contributions of our international students through the Wright State International Festival.  Over 1,200 people attended the event with students from over 40 countries represented at the festival through country booth displays, performances, or as greeters.  Country booth awards went to Bangladesh, Japan, and Saudi Arabia.  The 2017 International Student Award went to Mr. Roger and Mrs. Lynn Brucker and the Global Citizen Award went to Mhd Aghiad Al Khiamy. Congratulations to all the festival award winners and thanks to all who participated or joined in the celebration of international understanding at Wright State University. 
I would also like to recognize our International Seed Grant Recipients for Spring 2017: Maan Broadstock, Modern Languages, Ambassador Program to Taiwan; Stephanie Davis, Organizational Leadership, Study Abroad Course Development; Martin Gooden, Psychology, Mentoring Grant for Study Abroad in Poland; and Karine Ould-Daddah, Modern Languages, Ambassador Program to Morocco.  Our faculty members are key to internationalizing the curriculum and providing opportunities for our students to study abroad.  In fact, this summer we will have students on faculty led programs to Malawi, France, India, Germany, Quebec (Canada), Puerto Rico, Japan, Stratford (Canada), Poland, and Mexico.  Our Global Bridages student group will also be participating in the first ever service trip to Nicaragua.  Safe travels to all!
Thank you for supporting our students and international education at Wright State during this past year. 

UCIE Convo Club Summer Session Starting Thursday, May 11th

Students Abroad: Samantha Wood

Samantha Wood is a junior History major with a German minor. She studied abroad in Lüneburg, Germany last Summer, and was able to travel to Austria, Denmark, and Sweden as well. She currently works in the Study Abroad office as a USAC intern and a Peer Mentor. Samantha loved studying abroad in Germany and hopes to return someday. Her favorite memory was climbing a church tower in Germany to see the city from the top. She loved her time spent in Europe and she loves helping others to study abroad!

International Student Highlight: Venkata Krishna Mukesh Varma Nadimpalli

Myself, Venkata Krishna Mukesh Varma Nadimpalli(I know it's very long name) am from India. There are couple of reason behind me choosing Wright State University. Firstly, living here is very affordable and secondly, the large international community here. I'm graduating this semester Spring'17 whenever people ask me that "Are you graduating?" I say them "Unfortunately, yes." I met many friendly and inspiring people at UCIE. They never fail to make the workplace a fun place. Everyone whom I met at Wright State helped me in growing as a person. It's very difficult to accept that I can't enjoy my student life anymore. Finally, a message to WSU students: You are at the (W)Right place to make your dreams come true.

Host Family Highlight: Melanie Krissek

This month we recognize host family member, Melanie Krissek. Melanie studied abroad in Germany her junior year of undergrad. She lived with a German host family and absolutely loved the family and the experience. Her favorite part of being abroad was the cultural experience and that would not have been possible if she hadn't lived with such a great host family. When Melanie heard about the UCIE Host Family Program, she wanted to provide a similar experience for students studying here in Dayton, Ohio.

Melanie and her husband, Eric, love to learn about their host student and his culture back in India, as well as his experience here in the U.S. They have shared many dinners, a Super Bowl Party, and Sunday Brunch with him all while getting to know more about him.

As students from the University of Dayton, they were taught that building community is essential whether it is with a neighbor, friend, or international student. At times, this experience with the UCIE Host Family Program pushed them beyond their comfort zone and busy schedule to build community with international students. 
"It is a great program with the opportunity to meet many new people. It is very flexible and it is what you make of it...We have had a great experience as first time host families this year. We feel it is a great opportunity for both the international students at WSU as well as families in Dayton to participate. Thank you." -Melanie Krissek