WWSU 106.9 FM

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

As I am sure you are all aware, tomorrow is St. Patrick's day, a day that everybody uses as an excuse to drink Irish booze and wear green. I like to celebrate by making some of the more traditional Irish cuisine like my famous lamb's head stew with plenty of root vegetables. Delicious, as long as you don't mind spitting out the teeth as they tend to fall out during the cooking process. I may be making it again tomorrow if I can find me a decent lamb head from Jungle Jim's, either way I will be eating a potato and drinking whiskey like I do pretty much every Saturday like a proper Irishman! Whatever your poison, be safe out there and don't be stupid...well not too stupid anyway. Here are some songs to get you ready.


Darby O'Gill - Finnegan's Wake

A beautiful song about the frailties of life interspersed with a bar full of drunk Irish hecklers. Buckle up, I have another from Darby O'Gill next...


Darby O'Gill - The Rattlin' Bog

No squirrels allowed!


The Dubliners - Rocky Road To Dublin

Working at a theater makes you hate the music in the after credits of a movie because you have to hear it like a million times. This was in the credits for the second Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes film and I went out of my to get to clean the theater so I could listen to this.


Irish Rovers - Drunken Sailor

This is one of those Irish songs I'm sure you've heard a million times. Fun fact, the Irish Rovers also sing a song about why there aren't any more unicorns. I refuse to post that song though so you'll have to dig it up yourselves.


Da Vinci's Notebook - Another Irish Drinking Song

An acapella take on the sad Irish ballads we're all used to. *tear*


Something to make you laugh.

Scene from "The Other Guys"

The Other Guys - Will Ferrel Singing
Something my family has always said. It's a prayer but it's  a good sentiment all the same.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Have a good week!