Brand and Marketing

Email Signatures


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When we communicate with our audience, whether it's a faculty member or a prospective student, Wright State needs to appear clear, consistent, unified, and professional. An email signature is similar to a printed business card, except it's in digital form. A printed business card is presented in the manner mentioned previously.

Email signatures should be presented in a similar, consistent manner. Email signatures should not include off-brand colors, images, quotes, or offbrand slogans. To maximize mobile device viewing and in consideration of email recipient limits, use of images and logos should be avoided.

Email sent from your Wright State account is considered public record, and thus your signature should be professional and representative of the university.

College and department messaging can be used, but only with approval of unit leadership and the Office of Marketing. Examples of these can include accreditation or campaign messaging.

Arial is Wright State's chosen font for electronic needs, which should be used for these email signatures. This font size should be 12 pts., and can be changed in the signature preferences of your email program. In these settings, you can also create a link for your email address and unit’s website.


Copy and paste this template into the signature tool in your email program, then replace the generic information with your own.

In these settings, you can also create a link for your email address and unit's website.

Template Options

In these templates, there are options to include a physical location, along with the campus mailing address. The physical location is optional.

Firstname Lastname, Ph.D. (use one or more professional credentials as needed)
College name, Academic/Operating unit, or Department Name
Wright State University | 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy. | Dayton, OH 45435
Located in 100 Name Hall
tel: 000-000-0000 | cell: 000-000-0000 | fax: 000-000-0000 | (or your unit's website)

Firstname Lastname, Ph.D. (use one or more professional credentials as needed)
College name, Academic/Operating unit, or Department Name
Wright State University | 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy. | Dayton, OH 45435
tel: 000-000-0000 | cell: 000-000-0000 | fax: 000-000-0000 | (or your unit's website)

Template Option for Off Campus

In these templates, there are options to include a physical location, along with the campus mailing address. The physical location is optional.

Firstname Lastname, Ph.D. (use one or more professional credentials as needed)
College name, Academic/Operating unit, or Department Name
Wright State University | 4035 Colonel Glenn Hwy., Suite 300 | Beavercreek, OH 45431
tel: 000-000-0000 | cell: 000-000-0000 | fax: 000-000-0000 | (or your unit's website)

Fictional Examples

John Doe
Professor, Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
Wright State University | 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy. | Dayton, OH 45435
Located in 100 Name Hall
tel: 123-123-1234 | cell: 123-123-1234 | fax: 123-123-1234 |

Jane Doe, Ph.D.
Office of Marketing
Wright State University | 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy. | Dayton, OH 45435
tel: 123-123-1234 | cell: 123-123-1234 | fax: 123-123-1234 |

Email Profile Images

Some mail servers, like Microsoft Outlook, allow users to upload their own profile images. It is highly recommended that you use your own professional photo or nothing at all. Avoid photos that do not physically represent you, as this is not representative of Wright State University, and does not appear clear, consistent, unified, and professional.

Fictional Example

Wright State example Outlook profile image