Brand and Marketing

Social Media

The Office of Marketing is responsible for the university's social media strategy and development. We view social media as a branch of communications and marketing that fills in the gaps between all other forms of communication. Collectively, the university's social media managers provide customer service, build and maintain relationships, and help cultivate and reinforce the Wright State brand.

Let's Work Together

The social media team is available to advise campus offices and organizations on how to get started and maintain their own social media pages. The Office of Marketing can provide additional social media services such as:

  • Social media strategy
  • Social media advertising
  • Social media brand management
  • Social media marketing
  • Content strategy
  • Engagement strategy
  • Handling negative comments
  • Training

Social Media Administrators

If you operate an account for a department, office, or division, email the Office of Marketing to request your official, customized 'W' profile picture that will indicate you are an approved account. Please indicate what office, department, college, or division name should be included in your profile picture, making it as short as possible. If you operate unofficial accounts, student organization accounts, personal accounts, or academic accounts, you may use your own profile picture. Do not use the university's logo or wordmarks in your profile picture.

Each university-affiliated social media profile should have at least two owners/admins. Decide who will be responsible for regularly monitoring and publishing content for each account. At least one owner/admin should be listed in the university's Social Media Managers Group. ( to be added to the SMMG.)

Social Media Moderation

The social media platforms promote and disseminate information about Wright State University news, initiatives, events, media, and other announcements, and are limited public forums for discussion with and among users about the posted news, initiatives, events, media, and other announcements. 

Wright State University does not discriminate based on viewpoint, but may remove comments, messages, and other communications (hereafter "Comments,") and restrict access to users who violate these Guidelines. 

To facilitate the purposes of the social media platforms, the University may remove Comments that contain, constitute, or link to:

  • Malicious or harmful software;
  • Non-University advertisements, promotions, spam, off-topic content, or solicitations;
  • Confidential, personally identifying, or private information (as defined by state law);
  • Profanity, nudity, obscenity;
  • Threats of violence or threats to public safety;
    • Users who make threats of violence or threats to public safety may be reported to the Wright State University Police Department, Office of Student Conduct, Wright State Human Resources, and/or other local or state authorities for investigation.
  • Copyrighted materials in violation of state or federal law;
  • Disruptively repetitive content; or
  • If the comment materially interrupts University business or interferes with the opportunity of other students to obtain an education.

Profanity Filter: The University shall have the right in its discretion to activate platform-provided profanity filter tools that automatically hide Comments that use profanity. Individuals whose Comments have been automatically hidden through filters may request a review of the Comment by emailing Hidden comments may be unhidden pending review by the University.

Removed Comments: Removed Comments cannot be restored, as they are no longer accessible to the University. An individual whose post has been removed may review Comment Guidelines and post a new Comment in a way that does not violate Guidelines.

Hidden Comments: Hidden Comments are typically the product of one of three scenarios. One: The platform itself has an algorithm or other display methodology that the University cannot control. Two: An individual has platform settings or privacy settings that affect Comment display and availability. Three: A Comment has been hidden through an automatic profanity filter. The University cannot unhide or alter the display of Comments as arranged or determined by the platform itself or an individual's settings as outlined in the first two scenarios. Individuals whose Comments have been hidden through automatic profanity filters as outlined in the third scenario may request a review of the Comment by emailing Hidden Comments due to a profanity filter may be unhidden pending review by the University. 

For more information, please view Wright State's social media guidelines.