Board of Trustees

March 17, 2017: Message from the Board of Trustees

Dear Wright State University community,

I want to update you about actions the Wright State University Board of Trustees is taking to ensure a smooth and effective transition for incoming President Cheryl B. Schrader.

Following Wright State University President David R. Hopkins' decision to step down, the Board of Trustees has appointed Curtis L. McCray to serve as interim president until Dr. Schrader takes office on July 1.

The board has charged Dr. McCray, who has experience in leading presidential transitions, with overseeing university operations, crafting a budget that gives the university a financially sustainable future, achieving the highest possible student enrollment, and laying a strong foundation for the installation of Dr. Schrader.

Dr. McCray will utilize an Interim Presidential Advisory Team to provide him with insight and advice about Wright State. The advisory team will include representatives from the administration, faculty, classified and unclassified staff, and the Student Government.

Under Dr. McCray's direction, Provost Tom Sudkamp and Chief Financial Officer Jeff Ulliman will work on a budget remediation plan to address shortfalls in the university's budget.

Dr. McCray brings a wealth of administrative experience to Wright State, having served as president of four universities during his distinguished career. Since retiring, he has worked as a higher education consultant, providing assistance for administrators and institutions.

The Wright State trustees first began working with Dr. McCray when he served as a consultant to provide an operational review of the university as part of our search for our seventh president. Dr. McCray was asked to share that review with our next president during the transition phase of our search. During his review, he met with dozens of Wright State administrators, faculty, and staff.

Because of the insight he gained during that process and his experience as a university president, the Board of Trustees is confident that he is in the best position to assist us during this transition period.

The board will keep the campus community informed about our budget remediation efforts and future presidential transition activities.

I want to thank Dr. Hopkins for his dedication and leadership at Wright State University. Now is the time to move forward with new leadership, to boldly face the challenges at hand, and seize the potential of our great university.

Michael C. Bridges '81
Chair, Board of Trustees
Wright State University


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