Board of Trustees

April 7, 2017: Message from the Board of Trustees

Update from the Board of Trustees

I'm writing today to share with you an update and some further information regarding the federal review of our H-1B visa program. Some time ago, the Board of Trustees asked Plante Moran, an independent consulting firm, to do a review of the H-1B program while at the same time begin the process of fixing our policies and procedures around that program.

Since that time, we've made great strides and are nearing the final phases of that effort. The audit report of operations at the Wright State Research Institute (WSRI) reviewed past practices and the Board of Trustees, university administration, and WSRI leadership have worked hard to address areas in WSRI that required our attention. The report also included reviews and changes to other areas of the university that were impacted.

In an effort to advance transparency about recent financial and management issues, today the Wright State University Trustees waived privilege on that detailed audit report of WSRI operations and have made it available to the public upon request.

The following issues and concerns were highlighted in the analysis:

  • H-1B visa workers being utilized at off-campus businesses
  • Personnel procedures being bypassed
  • Lack of proper documentation on at least one grant
  • Minor conflicts of interests on some affiliated entity contracts
  • Inefficiencies at Wright State Applied Research Corporation (WSARC) that have resulted in less-than-full reimbursements to Wright State
  • Issues with internal control procedures

We've instructed the administration to recommend further reforms as they see fit and that process is well underway. In fact, we have already taken the following actions that have had broad university impacts:

  • The university has upgraded its compliance program, including adding a director of research compliance.
  • Expanded the university's legal team to keep pace with compliance demands.
  • Improved administrative accountability by splitting oversight duties previously held by just the provost, empowering the provost with academic oversight and the president with operational oversight responsibilities.
  • Implemented new uniform contract review procedures for purchasing.
  • Empowered the law firm Dinsmore and Shohl to review existing H-1B visas and to manage the process for future hiring.

We're sharing both the report and what we've already accomplished in response with community leaders and media as well, so you can expect to see some news coverage.

As we move forward we want to provide you a resource should you have questions. Please reach out to Mia Yaniko at

Please know that, as we recognize 50 years of excellence, we're committed to strengthening Wright State University and putting it on a firm foundation for the next 50 years.

Michael C. Bridges '81

Chair, Board of Trustees

Wright State University


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