Strategic Plan 2023–2025

Plan for Remaining Mini-Summits

About 200 people have been involved in mini-summits or group meetings sometime this summer. To this point, we have primarily focused on organizing and refining our strategic aspirations.  We now have 15 project groups, each focusing on one theme.  In the remaining mini-summits, we will build plans for the project ideas that will translate our strategic plan into strategic actions.

Each project group is working on a set of common tasks (“Group Work for Cycles 3-6" (PDF)) to build a set of project proposals. The timeline for these tasks is described below, with links to the schedule for each session.

June 22, 2018: Mini-Summit, 8:30 a.m.-noon

Develop Lists of Actions

Invited: Open to the Public

Session Goals:

  • Share lists of actionable ideas for each strategic initiative (Task 10)
  • Identity high potential ideas for each strategic initiative (Task 11)
  • Plan for the “Idea Marketplace” (Task 12)

June 27, 2018: University Leadership Meeting

Develop Aspirations and Objectives
Invited: Deans, University Vice Presidents, Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Strategic Planning Steering Committee, Representatives from Strategic Initiative Project Groups
Session Goals:
  • Discuss and provide feedback on the aspiration and objective statements of each project group.
  • Help the strategic initiative project groups to refine the focus of their work.

July 13, 2018: Mini-Summit, 8:30 a.m.-Noon

Evaluate and Prioritize Actions

Invited: Open to the Public

Session Goals:

  • Share and receive feedback about high potential ideas for each strategic initiative (Task 12)
  • Link the high potential ideas to areas of strategic focus and strategic initiatives (Task 12)
  • Develop recommendations for prioritizing high potential ideas (Task 13)

July 24, 2018: University Leadership Meeting

Evaluate and Prioritize Actions

Invited: Deans, University Vice Presidents, Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Strategic Planning Steering Committee, Strategic Initiative Project Coordinators

Session Goals:

  • Present project ideas to university leaders (Task 14)
  • Receive feedback and guidance from university leaders (Task 14)

August 3, 2018: Mini-Summit, 8:30 a.m.-Noon

Identify Metrics, Resources, and Milestones

Invited: Open to the Public

Session Goals:

  • Develop initial ideas on metrics, resources, milestones, and conditions of success (Task 15)
  • Identify remaining questions that need to be addressed (Task 15)

August 16, 2018: University Leadership Meeting

Identify Metrics, Resources, and Milestones

Invited: Deans, University Vice Presidents, Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Strategic Planning Steering Committee, Strategic Initiative Project Coordinators

Session Goals:

  • Share refined project plans in informal discussion groups with other coordinators, and members of the university leadership team (Task 16)
  • Develop additional refinements for project plans. (Task 17)

August 31, 2018: Mini-Summit, 8:30 a.m.-Noon

Assemble the Strategic Plan

Invited: Open to the Public

Session Goals:

  • Share refined ideas on metrics, resources, milestones, and conditions of success (Task 18)
  • Address additional refinements for strategic statements and project proposals (Task 19)
  • Reflect together about lessons learned from the strategic planning process