Cameos of Caring

Katie Williams - Sycamore Medical Center

Sycamore Medical Center
Recognition Year: 

As both a nurse at Franklin Emergency Center and as a paramedic for the city of Franklin, Katie Williams bridges the gap between the community, first responders, and the point of care. She is an excellent resource for EMS protocols, processes, and policies, and is recognized in the community as an extension of the ER. She is currently working to help develop project HOPE (Helping Overdose through Prevention and Education) in the city of Franklin. HOPE will provide resources to those in need of addiction services, and send a team to visit patients recovering from recent overdose to connect them with treatment options. Katie is a wealth of information for her fellow nurses, patients, and families regarding addiction resources and treatment options. “If I can pass on something to somebody else to make their job easier, or make their next encounter with a patient better,” says Katie, “then I feel like I’m doing a true calling.” Katie is so passionate about the effects of opiate addiction in our community that she has been called to work at Brigid’s Path, a facility helping drug-addicted newborns wean off opiates.

Katie Williams - Sycamore Medical Center