Cameos of Caring

Good Samaritan Hospital—Monica Sutter

Recognition Year: 

Monica Sutter has been a Registered Nurse for 12 years and has worked all of those years at Good Samaritan Hospital. She is currently a chemical dependency resource nurse in the Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit. Working with a patient population that can be difficult at times, she consistently provides compassionate care and always puts her patients first. Monica has a vast knowledge of community support groups and fosters professional relationships with these groups to benefit her patients. All of her chemical dependency consultations include educating her patients and their families. Her patients appreciate her sincere and caring approach when she addresses their concerns. Monica spearheaded the project to standardize Premier Health Partners’ Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment orderset and flowsheets, which significantly improves patient safety and care. She managed Good Samaritan Hospital’s participation in the Joint Commission Tobacco and Alcohol Measurement project. She is the only nurse member of the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment Medical Residency Council and the only inpatient nursing representative for chemical dependency services on the Montgomery County Alcohol and Drug Task Force. She also serves on the Preventing Prescription Drug Poisoning Coalition. Monica earned her B.S.N. from Indiana University East and holds certifications as a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor III and as an Internationally Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor.