Healthy Campus

Protocols for a confirmed case of COVID-19 on campus

The purpose of this email is to provide an overview of how Wright State University will respond if the university learns that an employee or student has tested positive for COVID-19. Fortunately, the university has yet to officially be notified by any health department of a confirmed case among members of our community. Since early in 2020, the university has been preparing for such news.

While the university is taking active steps to prevent and mitigate illnesses, Wright State cannot guarantee community members will not be exposed to COVID-19. In responding to a positive case of COVID-19, Wright State will follow the State of Ohio's Responsible Restart guidelines for higher education institutionsCDC guidelines, and Dayton and Montgomery County Public Health guidelines, as well as the university’s Infectious Disease Prevention and Mitigation Plan.

In the event that the university is informed of a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 among students, faculty, staff, or visitors, Wright State will work with the appropriate public health department to contact employees or students believed to have been in close contact with the identified individual.

Our county health departments are responsible for investigating positive cases of contagious disease, conducting contact tracing, and notifying individuals and organizations that may have been exposed. Wright State community members are expected to cooperate with health department investigations.

If the university receives notification—a self-report from an individual, from a health care provider, or from a health department—that a community member or campus visitor has been diagnosed with COVID-19, the university may initiate a limited, internal investigation for operational purposes.

When deemed necessary, the university may release unidentified information about an ill individual (e.g., date of last presence on campus, buildings entered, etc.) so that employees and students can assess and respond to risks of exposure. The university will never release specific details about an individual diagnosed with COVID-19 or another infectious disease.

Any Wright State student, faculty member, or staff member who has been in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19 will be required to quarantine for 14 days and monitor for symptoms. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines close contact as any individual who was within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes, provided care to someone who is sick with COVID-19, had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed them), shared eating or drinking utensils, or they sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on them.

Workspaces and other campus areas that an ill individual may have physically been in will be cleaned thoroughly, according to the latest CDC recommendations.

A university community member who enters quarantine or isolation, and who has been on campus (or in a university building, or who attended in person any university-sponsored activity or event) within the preceding seven days, will notify the Department of Environmental Health and Safety at, 937-775-4444, or Reports are confidential.

Students in quarantine or isolation should continue to participate remotely in remote delivery courses. Students who are not well enough to continue participating remotely, or who are enrolled in any in-person or flexible delivery courses should contact their instructors or academic advisors to discuss options for maintaining their studies.

Employees in quarantine or isolation who have been assigned to work remotely should continue to work remotely, if they are well enough to work. Employees who are not well enough to work or who are assigned to work on-site should contact their immediate supervisor to discuss options.

Residence Life and Housing has designated separate housing facilities for students who are in quarantine or isolation. Residential students who test or are presumed positive for COVID-19 will be temporarily re-assigned. Read more about protocols for on-campus housing.

The Department of Environment Health and Safety developed procedures to safely transport persons who are ill or suspected to have been exposed to COVID-19. Procedures include personal protective equipment, face covering, distancing, and vehicle disinfection requirements.

Remember that there is community spread of the coronavirus throughout the region, state, and the nation. Every member of the Wright State community is reminded to continue to actively practice preventive measures, including wearing a face covering, practicing appropriate physical distancing, and employ good hygiene practices. Employees and students are expected to follow health and safety protocols required on the Wright State University campus.