LIFT² Symposium

Ron Rhoades, J.D., CFP

Ron A. Rhoades, JD, CFP® serves as the Program Director for the Western Kentucky University Financial Planning Program, where he teaches courses in retirement planning, estate planning, and investments. He is also an estate planning and tax attorney (Member, The Florida Bar) and has his own investment advisory firm serving a small group of select clients.  A frequent writer and speaker on all things “fiduciary” as applied to financial planners and investment advisers, Ron Rhoades served as Reporter for FPA’s Fiduciary Task Force and on its Government Relations Committee. He has previously been named as “Fiduciary of the Year” by The Committee for the Fiduciary Standard, one of the “Top 25 Most Influential” by Investment Advisor magazine, and one of the “Top 30 Most Influential” in NAPFA’s 30-year history. Dr. Rhoades’ blog,, is followed by thousands of financial advisors, and he frequently writes articles for various industry publications. He continues his advocacy on fiduciary issues through frequent visits to Washington, D.C., and he has assisted many organizations with their comment letters and advocacy efforts. His topic will be:  Reducing Your Reputational Risks in the New Fiduciary Era*.