Cameos of Caring

Michele Nadolsky - Dayton Children's Hospital

Dayton Children's Hospital
Recognition Year: 

Michele Nadolsky is an exceptional nurse and leader in the emergency department at Dayton Children’s Hospital. Over the last 25 years, Michele has been a driving force in process improvement initiatives throughout the organization. Michele became one of Dayton Children’s first trauma nurse leaders in 2011 and was part of the grassroots effort to elevate Dayton Children’s Hospital to a level 2 trauma center. The program focuses on effective treatment for all trauma patients through an evidence-based, systematic, and standardized approach to improve efficiency, safety, and patient outcomes. She developed training modules for novice nurses to improve knowledge to trauma response and documentation, helping create a program that has been recognized by the American College of Surgeons. She also became one of the first clinical team leaders in the hospital, a role that bridged the gap between management and frontline staff. Michele’s commitment to serving others extends to the community. She immediately volunteered her services to the Red Cross following Hurricane Michael. In addition, she volunteers with the American Legion, the nation’s largest wartime veteran’s service organization.