Retirees Association

DDN: The future of AI: How tech could transform our lives in the Dayton region

Tawsik Jawad

Excerpt from the Dayton Daily News

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly transforming the business world, with many companies embracing its potential to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve decision-making. However, the implementation of AI also has significant implications for the labor market, with the potential to automate many routine jobs, leading to job displacement for workers.

While AI has the potential to increase productivity and profitability for businesses, it could also lead to job displacement for those in routine and repetitive jobs. This displacement could be especially problematic for workers in industries such as manufacturing, which is a significant sector in the Dayton region.

White-collar jobs and jobs requiring a bachelor’s degree can also be automated. In fact, AI is already being used to automate tasks such as data entry, document analysis, and customer service, which were previously performed by humans. This means that workers in fields such as finance, law, and healthcare, who were once considered safe from automation, may now be at risk of job displacement.

The last three paragraphs you just read were not written by a human journalist. They were written by ChatGPT, the viral language learning model developed by OpenAI, and edited for length and style by the journalist now writing these words.

For transparency’s sake, the following prompt was given to ChatGPT to generate the above three paragraphs: “Write an opening paragraph in the style of a newspaper article giving a brief overview of the applications of AI in business settings. Include both positive and negative elements of AI implementation in the labor market.”

The model was then asked to expand on how this would affect Dayton in particular, followed by how it would affect those with bachelor’s degrees.