Retirees Association

News and Announcements

See also:

Aug 6, 2016

Retirees Donna Shlagheck and Jim Sayer are popular presenters at the Alumni Association's Alumni College.

Aug 4, 2016

You are invited to attend a "Celebration of the Life of Lewis Shupe.” This memorial will take place in the Nutter Center’s Berry Room, on Wednesday, August 31, 2016, from 4 - 6:30 pm.  A few selected speakers will begin around 4:30, and others in attendance are free to share their recollections of Lew.

May 3, 2016

Wright State University retiree donations in fiscal year 2015 have set an all time high in the number of donations, the amount of donations, and the average donation. The past year (2015) has been the most successful in the past fifteen years, with 200 individual retirees donating over a quarter million dollars ($256,000)—an average gift of $1,281.

Paul Wolfe

Apr 12, 2016

Report from the Ohio Council of Higher Education Retirees Meeting of March 22, 2016

Dec 1, 2015

Contributions are up more than $60,00 over last year

Nov 30, 2015

WSURA representatives Paul Wolfe and Dick Williams report from the Ohio Council of Higher Education Retirees (OCHER) meetin

Oct 23, 2015

News from the State Teachers Retirement System Board Meeting

Oct 9, 2015

Some politicians want to have retirement funds divested from companies that do business with Iran but the boards oppose having politics controlling investment decisions

Oct 8, 2015

The University Foundation reports that as of the first of October, donations from retirees have reached $143,250.00 from 117 donors. The average gift was $1,132.

Oct 2, 2015

The annual Big Lens Film Festival features the premiere of new films directed by students of Wright State's award-winning Motion Pictures program.
