Research and Sponsored Programs - Cayuse Sponsored Projects Module Training

Tuesday, November 29, 2022, 1 pm to 3 pm
012 Library Annex

Research and Sponsored Programs is excited to announce that the Cayuse - Sponsored Projects module will be live December 1st.    Instead of completing the proposal set up questions, Principal Investigator’s will now complete sections in Proposals area of Sponsored Projects.  PI’s will still work with their Pre-Award POC on the budget and submission of the proposal. 

In preparation for Cayuse - Sponsored Projects go live, RSP Pre-Award staff is hosting a hands-on training Tuesday, November 29 from 1-3pm in 012 Library Annex.    Attendees should be prepared to start a proposal or have a sample proposal to input into Sponsored Projects.  

For information, contact
Marianne Shreck
RSP-Director, Pre Award Services
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