Cameos of Caring

Haley McHale - Kettering Medical Center

Kettering Medical Center
Recognition Year: 

Haley McHale treats patients as if they were her own family—from entertaining their children to sitting with patients and conversing. “I think it’s very important to just realize that your bad day could be somebody else’s good day,” she notes. One of Haley’s recent trauma patients had to miss a concert she was longing to see due to her hospitalization. Knowing how much this crushed her patient’s spirit, Haley worked with her peers to raise $3,000 to purchase a gift card so the patient could obtain other concert tickets when she was well again. “Nursing is just the most rewarding and amazing career to me. You’re able to see these patients from their sickest times to their healthiest times, and you’re able to help them not only physically, but emotionally too.” The staff also look up to her. As the chair of unit council, Haley thinks up ways to help the staff overcome stress—like the popular “One-Minute Dance Party.” Haley gives back to her community by participating in walks for wellness and actively donates to the Alzheimer’s Foundation.

Haley McHale - Kettering Medical Center