
A taste of art: Wright State’s annual ArtsGala showcases renovated Creative Arts Center (Excerpt)

In my freshman year of college, I lived across the street from the creative arts buildings: recital halls, grand stages, black box theatres, the music library, and the art museum. There hasn’t been another time span in my life when I was so openly and frequently exposed to creative expression. That year, I saw a traveling exhibit on Andy Warhol, the opera The Magic Flute, the orchestral concert Appalachian Spring, the ballet Serenade, an intimate black-box performance of “A Streetcar Named Desire,” and a jolting, full-stage production of Rent. Every one of these experiences was curated, mostly staffed, and produced by students at a state university campus in a small Midwestern town.

Sometimes I miss those days—days without Netflix—but I know that I will never live across the street from those creative arts buildings again, and thus it will be rare for me to stumble upon an enchanting evening of art. Fortunately, Wright State University’s 18th annual ArtsGala offers an immense artistic palette. What better chance to experience a world of entertainment and to provide an opportunity to make someone’s creative dreams a reality?

Read the article from the Dayton City Paper.