COM 4110 Performance for the Media

Aug. 29-Dec. 17, 2016     #81567

FALL 2016

Dr. Elliot Gaines, Office: 411 Millett

email: [email protected]


Meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30 am - 10:50 pm



*Required reading: The Constitution of the United States

*Required equipment: video/audio recorder, and video/audio editing software (both available to students on campus).


COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a skill-development course focusing on performance and production for broadcast communication. The class will address performance, basic reporting and production techniques, matters of style, content, professionalism and purpose.


COURSE GOALS are 1) to develop skills and a professional attitude about performance for the media;  2) to gain performance experiences with cameras, production basics, and audiences; 3) experience studio production processes, and 4) to understand the technologies and general conditions of professional media communication.




COM 4110 Grading:


Individual 30 second recording X 2 =  10 points


Individual 60 report =  10 points


30, 60 (x2), 90 second Field Reports= 40 points


Final 10 minute News team recording = 20 points


Journals= 10 points.  After each performance, each student must write a journal describing the performance experience, how they prepared for the performance, and how they intend to modify rehearsal and preparation for the next performance.


Individual and Group Writing assignments must be turned in on time and playable in the assigned format. These assignments include all recordings, Treatment and Production run-down, and Scripts submitted and approved before recordings begin.


Attendance, quizzes, participation = 10 points


Unprofessional behaviors that provoke disturbances may result in a student being dismissed from the class.




Cell phone ringing, disturbances, or other unprofessional acts may also result in points deducted.









*Attendance is required.  During the first week of classes, course syllabus, policies, procedures, grade and performance criteria, and studio protocol will be covered in-depth.  These introductory sessions are essential, and will not be repeated.  Students not attending the first week of the course will be dropped.


PERFORMANCES CANNOT BE MADE UP.  Deadlines for all assignments must be observed.  Journals require that the student has reviewed the recorded class performances. Points for recordings include being in attendance to review the recordings.  If you miss a class, call a friend to ask what you missed, but do not expect to be excused.  If you miss a performance or a review, they cannot be made up.


Grades will only be discussed individually during office hours.  It is the student�s responsibility to initiate questions about grades.


Students in this course are subject to attendance requirements and restrictions.  Specifically, anyone not attending the first week of class will be dropped.


All students should be familiar with Wright State University�s policy on academic dishonesty. Cheating and plagiarism--submitting someone else�s work or ideas as your own--will not be tolerated.  Plagiarism will result in failure for an assignment and possibly failure in a final grade for the course.


Journal Assignments.  Describe your experiences preparing and performing.  Describe strategies for improving performances.  The journal must be printed, not hand written.  Each journal must include citations for your script source correctly written using either MLA or APA style.  Include a copy of your script.  In addition, if you include more than one page, please staple papers, but please do not use a paper clip.  Include your name, the date, and the number of the journal.  When screenings are scheduled during class time, students must be present in class to watch the video in order to submit a journal.

The field reporting assignments also require a journal.  The journal should include observations about mistakes and ways to correct those mistakes in the future based on following the criteria for evaluation noted in the VIDEO EVALUATION RUBRIC



Video Script Assignments: The 30 and 60 second, staged performances require a story about a Supreme Court case that includes the names of all the justices, and a formal closing to the speech.  The script must include an introduction with the performer�s name, a brief story, and a formal closing to the speech.  Because it takes approximately 15 seconds to say the names of the justices, the script needs to be worded clearly and precisely to describe the essential story about the news event.


Each performance assignment includes a journal describing your experiences preparing and performing, and strategies for improving performances. 


In order to avoid plagiarism, include a source for information used to write the story.  Include a complete citation using correct APA style with the script.  The citation will not be performed, but must be included with the script.


In order to be accurate, effective script writing demands that the writer understand the context and nature of events behind a news story.  Thus, the role of the US Supreme Court, and its relationship to the US Constitution will be discussed in class.






       Good, clear script, well-written (meeting the assignment criteria)


       Performance completed within the designated time


       Correct pronunciation of words and names




       Vocal projection


       Control of unnecessary body movements


       Fluid speaking performance (indicating thorough preparation)


       Making eye contact with the camera


*Other criteria may apply.


Criteria for Video:


 General Grading Criteria




COM 4110 Schedule, FALL 2015


 (Subject to change as the term progresses).


DATE                                   Activity


Wk #1 Aug 30-Sept. 1         

Aug 30.  Syllabus and Introduction to the class.  Assignment; 30 sec performance script.  Resources for video cameras, tripods.


Sept. 1.   First performance and recording assignment discussed: 30 second staged performance script DUE.  Print an extra copy of your script to turn in.  Always include a complete citation for source material. Editing (and shooting) basics continued. 

Questions before Tuesdays recording projects.


Wk#2  Sept. 6-8.    Basics: putting theory into practice: class exercises


Sept. 6.   * Recording; Individual staged 30 second script (#1) report about a US Supreme Court case.   


Sept. 8.   Review 30 second recordings.


Wk#3  Sept. 13-15.  


Sept. 13.   *Recording; Individual staged 30 second script (#2) report about a US   Supreme Court case.  


Sept. 15.    Review 30 second staged Recording


Wk#4  Sept. 20-22.

Sept. 20.     *Recording; Individual staged 30 second script (#3) report about a US Supreme Court case.

Sept. 22      Review staged 30 second Recording.   Assignment given for 60 second Field Reporting Assignments.  Planning Field Reports.  Introduce Long Shot, Medium Shot, Close Up.  Planning and storyboards.


Wk#5.   Sept. 27- 29.  

    Sept. 27.   *Recording of Individual staged 60 second report about a US Supreme Court case. Storyboards DUE.  Discuss Editing basics and criteria for INDIVIDUAL FIELD REPORT ASSIGNMENTS. Groups Assigned. 


    Sept. 29.   Review staged 60 second Recording. Work on Individual 30 second Recording.  *** (SSA-Delray 9/28-10/2).  Write journal reflecting on performances; due Tuesday Oct. 4.


Wk#6    Oct. 4-6.


Oct. 4.     Work on Individual 30 second Field Reporting (#4).  Journal reflecting on performances; due.


Oct. 6.      Individual 30 second Field Recording (#4) DUE in DROP BOX 24 hours before class.  Review recordings.   


Wk#7   Oct. 11-13

Oct 11.    Students meet to shoot and edit individual 60 second Field Report assignments.


Oct. 13.    60 sec. Field report due: DUE in DROP BOX 24 hours before class.  Review recordings.  Discuss final project, �news team� planning and pre-production.



Wk# 8.  Oct. 18-20.

Oct 18-20. Students meet to shoot and edit individual 60 second Field Reporting assignments(#2).  News teams; assignment discussed: scripts, treatments and production run-downs must be submitted and approved before the first group recordings begin.  Planning: and pre-production.


Wk# 9  Oct. 25-27.

Oct. 25:    60 sec Field Report DUE (#2): DUE in DROP BOX 24 hours before class.  Review recording.  Discuss final project, �news team� planning and pre-production.

Oct. 27:    Planning and pre-production.  Students meet to shoot and edit individual 90 second Field Reporting assignments. 


Wk# 10  Nov 1-3.

Nov 1.  Tuesday (Election Day)  .   Treatment and Production Run-down and  SCRIPTS Discussed:

Nov 3.  Thursday:  .   Treatment and Production Run-down and  SCRIPTS Discussed: Planning and pre-production.  Students meet to shoot and edit individual 90 second Field Reporting assignments. 


Wk# 11  Nov. 8-10 

Nov. 8.   ELECTION DAY.  Students meet to shoot and edit individual 90 second Field Reporting assignments.   Treatment and Production Run-down and  SCRIPTS Discussed: Planning and pre-production


**Nov. 9**  Dropbox submissions of 90 second Field Reporting assignments DUE 3 PM Wednesday, 9 November, 2016.


Nov. 10.   Treatment and Production Run-down and  SCRIPTS Discussed: Planning and pre-production


Wk# 12  Nov. 15-17.

Nov. 15.      Treatment and Production Run-down DUE.  SCRIPTS DUE: Planning and pre-production

Nov. 17.      Students meet to shoot and edit group recording


Wk# 13  Nov. 22-24.   

Nov. 22.      Students meet to shoot and edit group recording


Nov. 24.  *Thanksgiving*


Wk# 14  Nov. 29-Dec. 1.     

Nov. 29     Students meet to shoot and edit group recording

Dec. 1       Students meet to shoot and edit group recording


Wk# 15  

Dec. 6 Group Projects DUE.  Screening

Dec 8   Screening


Wk# 16   FINAL EXAM  Date:        

Tuesday, Dec. 13 from 8-10 A.M.