
Welcome to English 2100: Research Writing & Argument. Here is a syllabus for the course; you are responsible for the information therein, so read it over carefully and print out a hardcopy.

In this online course, you are responsible for completing multiple reading and writing assignments within the context of five modules over the span of fifteen weeks. This is the first module. While strict deadlines will be upheld for assignments, you are encouraged to work at your own pace.

This course is run by way of my own website in conjunction with the distance learning program Pilot. The index page will operate as your primary resource for the course. You may access this page via www.wright.edu/~david.wilson or via Pilot.

You may email me with questions via Pilot and [email protected]. I always answer within 24 hours, usually sooner, on the condition that your emails are written in complete sentences and free of mechanical errors. This is a college writing course, so make sure your queries are polished and professional and I will promptly address your concerns. Even better than email: visit me in my office to discuss matters in person. I want to see everybody excel and I’m here as a resource, but too frequently, students in my online courses don’t contact me when they encounter difficulties. Students who do make an effort to connect with me, however, invariably get better grades.

Please check your WSU email regularly throughout the semester. I often send out reminders about assignments, holidays, etc.

All major and minor assignments should be submitted to me via Pilot on their respective due dates and times. Go to the Dropbox and upload your work accordingly. Barring discussions, assignments may be submitted as .doc, .docx, .rtf or .pdf files.

You are responsible for monitoring the upload of each assignment you submit. Assignments submitted after their due dates have elapsed (whether it be one day, ten days, or one minute) will not be accepted. Assignments are due every Friday at 9 a.m. The modules for the course and Pilot provide you with all due dates from the beginning to the end of the course, so you are responsible for organizing and managing your time accordingly. Never wait until the last minute to submit work in case of computer glitches, among other issues that might crop up. Always provide yourself with enough time to upload your work.

Grades are based upon a point system tallied throughout the quarter by Pilot. Major assignments are worth 100-200 points and minor assignments are worth 25-50 points.

There are three major writing assignments: an annotated bibliography, a character profile, and an argumentative essay. I will provide feedback on Pilot.

I am happy to comment on drafts of major essays prior to their final due date. Once the final due date has elapsed, however, you may not revise or resubmit your work. Be sure to send me drafts AT LEAST 48 HOURS prior to their final due date.

If you do not turn in a major writing assignment, you cannot pass the course.

There are two paperback texts for English 2100: The Norton Field Guide to Literature with Readings and Handbook (Fourth Edition) and The Great Gatsby.

On this site, The Norton Field Guide will always be referred to as NFG.

As I explain in the syllabus, the focal text for this course is F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Directly or peripherally, all major writing assignments regard this novel, which you will research and write about in different ways. The modules for the course do not examine, discuss or interpret The Great Gatsby. Rather, the onus is on you to do so given the research tools that will be provided to you. Of course, I encourage you to contact me throughout the quarter with questions, problems, or drafts of your writing that you would like me to critique. I am always happy to provide you with constructive feedback.

Due dates and times for assignments are clearly posted at the end of each module and on Pilot.

FINAL NOTE: Under no circumstances should parents or guardians of students contact me about a student's performance, grades, or the course itself. Such matters are confidential and protected by university policy. Parents and guardians need to contact the Wright State University administration with questions or concerns. Students, however, should feel free to contact me at any time.

The Student Success Center offers FREE services to help students meet their full potential. Students can find tutoring in any subject, study buddies, one-on-one technology workshops, feedback on writing assignments, and general academic skills coaching.

Location: 182 Andrews
Phone: 419.586.0326
Website: lake.wright.edu/ssc

Students who use the SSC for help on their writing assignments will be given 10 extra credit points for each visit. To make an appointment, call or visit the SSC.

Reading & Comprehension

NFG: Read Chps.1-4: Academic Literacies, Chps. 5-9: Rhetorical Situations, Chp. 45: Developing a Research Plan, Chp. 46: Finding Sources, Chp. 47: Evaluating Sources and Chp. 52: MLA Style. Because your reading load is heavy in this module, your first written assignment is not due until the second week of class. Read these chapters closely—they will form the basis for your writing assignments.

The Great Gatsby: Read the full text.


Diagnostic Essay: Compose an essay in which you describe your strengths and weaknesses as a writer. Also explain what you hope to learn in this course. 250-500 words. Submit via Pilot. DUE DATE & TIME: Friday, Aug. 31, 9 a.m.

Discussion: What are your initial reactions to The Great Gatsby? If you have not read the novel before, is it what you expected? If you have read it, have your impressions changed? Explain with specific details in the appropriate forum on Pilot. 250-500 words. DUE DATE & TIME: Friday, Sep. 7, 9 a.m. (NOTE: This is the first of three discussions we will have this quarter. Each discussion will concern some aspect of The Great Gatsby.)

Summary: Write a summary of The Great Gatsby, noting key events and themes. The summary should be enitrely in your own words and free of all grammatical and syntactic errors. Be sure to revise your writing thoroughly. 500-750 words. Submit via Pilot. DUE DATE & TIME: Friday, Sep. 14, 9 a.m.