Sparta and Athens


I. The Spartan Way of Life

        A. Conquest and slavery

                1. helots

                2. uprisings and suppression

                3. permanent state of war


        B. Regimented life

                1. barrack life and culture

                2. Spartan values and skills

                3. freedom of women

                4. limitations of restricted citizenship


II. Democratic Athens

        A. Problems of unequal wealth


        B. Solon

                1. debt relief

                2. organizing democratic participation

                3. legal rights for citizens


        C. Tyranny of Pisistratus

                1. ironically, a lever for popular power

                2. problem of lawlessness


        D. Cleithenes

                1. demes and tribes become sorts of "districts" for representation

                2. breaking the social limitations of wealth classes

                3. system of participation, discussion and reasoning


III. Sparta and Athens Together

        A. Conflict between Greeks and the Persian Empire

                1. Persian assault

                2. battle of Marathon

                3. why the Athenians won

                4. why it mattered


        B. Even Bigger War

                1. second Persian invasion [480 BCE]

                2. Spartan 300

                3. Athenian naval victory

                4. Athens rejects peace terms

                5. Athens and Sparta win together


        C. The power of citizen armies